3月11日,河北大学与太极计算机股份有限公司战略合作协议签约仪式在主楼302报告厅举行。 校长孟庆瑜,中电太极集团总裁仲恺出席仪式并致辞。 党委常委、副校长陈红军,中电太极集团副总裁韩国权代表双方签署协议。 仪式由党委常委、副校长刘秀玲主持。 3月13日,首期“河”你面对面——师生下午茶活动在五四路校区“一站式”学生社区温馨启幕。...
Hebei University (HBU) held a graduation ceremony & degree-awarding ceremony for the 2024 class at the gymnasium of Qi... Nature: Han Xingguo-Jiang Yong Team Publishes Paper on Drought Sensitivity of ... On January 29, 2025, the journal Nature published online the research findings titled "Contrasting drought sensitivity...
What Does "HBU" Mean, and How Do You Use It? - How-To Geek
2020年12月13日 · HBU stands for "how about you?" or "how 'bout you?" People often use this phrase as a follow-up when asked how they're doing. After all, it's common in a conversation to share some information about yourself, and then ask about the other person, as well. For example, if someone asks how you're doing, you might reply: "I'm ok, hbu?"
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What Does HBU Mean? | The Word Counter
2021年8月12日 · According to How to Geek, the acronym HBU means “how bout you” or “how bout u.” This is the slang version of asking someone “how about you” and is often used when someone has just asked you a question. You will answer the question, and then ask them the same question in return.
What Does “HBU” Mean in Texting? (Explained with Examples)
2023年8月21日 · In the world of texting and online communication, “HBU” is an abbreviation that stands for “how about you?” or “how ’bout you?”. It is commonly used as a follow-up question in conversations to inquire about the other person’s well-being, thoughts, or experiences.
Hbu Meaning: What Does It Stand For and How to Use It?
2024年10月11日 · The acronym Hbu stands for “how ‘ bout you?” or “How about you?”. Whether you’re texting friends or engaging on social media, this shorthand makes it easier to keep the conversation flowing naturally, helping to foster better relationships in today’s fast-paced communication landscape.
3月11日,河北大学与太极计算机股份有限公司战略合作协议签约仪式在主楼302报告厅举行。 校长孟庆瑜,中电太极集团总裁仲恺出席仪式并致辞。 党委常委、副校长陈红军,中电太极集团副总裁韩国权代表双方签署协议。 仪式由党委常委、副校长刘秀玲主持。 3月13日,首期“河”你面对面——师生下午茶活动在五四路校区“一站式”学生社区温馨启幕。 校党委书记刘兵与10名青年学生围坐一堂,共话青春理想,共享成长收获,共谋学校发展。 校党委常委、副校长梁巍,校团委 …
HBU - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
An initialism of "how 'bout (about) you," a phrase used to extend a previously asked question to someone else. The initialism is used primarily in text messages and online communications. Often spelled in lowercase letters. A: "what r u up 2?" B: "nothin. hbu?" I've been fine. HBU? I'm going out with some friends tonight, hbu?