Which is recommended/preferable between '(s)he' & 'he/she'?
You have asked a dangerous question. I would use he or she. The use of the genderless they is so widely accepted nowadays that questions regarding its use or non-use will not validate in …
"It is he" versus "it is him" [duplicate] - English Language & Usage ...
Planned maintenance impacting Stack Overflow and all Stack Exchange sites is scheduled for Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 13:30 UTC - 16:30 UTC (9:30am - 12:30pm ET).
single word requests - What's the meaning of "she is a real pip ...
2017年9月1日 · I heard this expression in the TV series Better Call Saul. A character spoke to a secretary, and he seemed annoyed. After he spoke to her chief and said "your secretary is a …
meaning - What does "tool" really mean? - English Language
2011年10月19日 · In the first paragraph of the link you're referring to, he explains exactly what he means by "tool": I just offered a bounty on one of my questions and selected "Draw attention …
Difference between "where is he from" and "where he is from"
2014年10月16日 · He's from the USA? (with the question intonation -- it can't be left out) and folks will generally interpret it as a Yes/No question. If you want to make a Wh-question, first you …
How does "pussy" come to mean "coward"?
The word pussy is often used to mean "coward". This guy is a pussy. and I am wondering why. How are woman's genitals related to being a "coward"?
etymology - Origin of "he's 6 feet tall if he's an inch" - English ...
Man B: Oh, he's about five feet ten. [inches] Man C: Nah, he's six feet if he's an inch. The usage is colloquial and meant to be a more entertaining turn of phrase than a plain statement like …
When do we use “had had” and “have had”? [duplicate]
In most cases, have is used as an auxiliary verb. Examples of auxiliary verbs, I have to go to school. I need to go to school.
"Here's looking at you, kid" meaning?
2015年1月27日 · He's saying that looking at her is something to be happy about. And given the first time he says it he's being quite flirtatious with her, the intent is almost certainly to flirt with …
prepositions - "In a call" versus "on a call" - English Language ...
2011年3月16日 · "Call" can be a verb, noun, or adjective. Therefore you can say both, depending on what you mean. "Game" is one good example, if you're playing and someone called you, …