Heinkel He 111 - Wikipedia
The Heinkel He 111 is a German airliner and medium bomber designed by Siegfried and Walter Günter at Heinkel Flugzeugwerke in 1934. Through development, it was described as a ‘wolf in sheep's clothing’. Due to restrictions placed on Germany after the First World War prohibiting bombers, it was presented solely as a civil airliner, although from conception the …
He-111 - 百度百科
He-111是德国亨克尔公司设计的一种中型轰炸机,最初是为参与1932年汉莎航空快速客机的竞标而开始研发的。由于当时德国仍被《凡尔赛条约》束缚,严禁拥有各类进攻型武器,因此为了掩人耳目,德国军方授意亨克尔公司将该机型表面上设计为民用飞机,实际只需稍加改造即可成为军用 …
He 111轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
He 111 H-5:與H-4相似,但所有載彈須外置掛在機翼下,而其內炸彈倉改作內置燃料燃油缸。這發展型號用作長程魚雷轟炸機。 He 111 H-6:魚雷轟炸機,能外置攜帶兩支LT F5b魚雷,改用尤莫(Jumo)211F-1型發動機,有6支MG 15及在前吊艙有一支MG/FF 20 mm機炮。
He 111轟炸機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
He 111是第二次世界大戰 德國空軍所使用的一種中型轟炸機,其獨特的機鼻設計令它成為德國轟炸機部隊的著名象徵。 1930年代初,德國軍方在規避《凡爾賽條約》的限制下,由齊格菲·君特和華瑟·君特兩人設計,並將它偽裝為民用運輸機,直到1935年德國空軍宣佈成立為止。
He 111轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2024年12月14日 · He 111是第二次世界大战 德国空军所使用的一种中型轰炸机,其独特的机鼻设计令它成为德国轰炸机部队的著名象征。 1930年代初,德国军方在规避《凡尔赛条约》的限制下,由齐格菲·君特和瓦尔特·君特两人设计,并将它伪装为民用运输机,直到1935年德国空军宣布成 …
Heinkel He-111 – German Medium Bomber WW2 – Today History
3 天之前 · The He 111 was the first German aircraft shot down over British territory in World War II. On the night of October 5-6, 1941, two He-111s, sent from Crete to reconnoitre British transports to supply the 8th Army in North Africa, accidentally found an anchored transport Thistlegorm in one of the bays at the entrance to the Gulf of Suez. in the ...
Heinkel He 111 - World History Encyclopedia
2024年5月2日 · The Heinkel He 111 was a medium two-engined bomber plane used by the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) during the Second World War (1939-45). Heinkel He 111s contributed significantly to such campaigns as the Battle of France, the Battle of Britain, and the London Blitz, but were increasingly replaced from 1941 …
Heinkel HE 111 bomber production footage [ WWII Documentary ]
Great quality original film reel showing the manufacturing process of the Heinkel HE 111 bomber(Former upload had the wrong date so fixed it after some diggi...
Heinkel He-111 – German Medium Bomber WW2 - Real History …
2021年7月21日 · He 111 J-0 – pre-production version of the torpedo bomber, similar to the F-4, but with DB600CG engines. He 111 J-1 – serial torpedo bomber, 90 built, later converted into bombers. He 111 P-0 is a pre-production version, equipped with a new straight wing, new glazing in the bow cockpit, Db601Aa engines and a lower gunner nacelle.
Heinkel He 111 | Military Wiki | Fandom
A major German bomber, although slow and weak defensive armament, the He 111 was also employed as destroyer, towing gliders (He 111Z) and missile launcher (V-1 flying bombs, among others), being produced by the end of the war in several variants Details taken from Aeroplane Magazine Database for June 2002 unless otherwise stated He 111A – Prototypes and initial production version. Produced ...