Heinkel He 219 Uhu - Wikipedia
The Heinkel He 219 Uhu ("Eagle-Owl") is a night fighter designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Heinkel. It primarily served with the Luftwaffe in the later stages of the Second World War. Work on the He 219 began in mid …
HE-219战斗机 - 百度百科
HE-219战斗机(英文:HE-219 Fighter),是20世纪40年代纳粹德国研制装备的一型夜间战斗机。 HE-219战斗机服役于二战末期纳粹德国空军,是全世界第一款安装弹射座椅的军用飞机,更是德军在二战期间第一款操作三轮起落架的军机。
A Feared Nazi Night Fighter Is Being Restored 70 Years Later
Visitors to the National Air and Space Museum’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center can see the restored Heinkel He 219—unassembled, but still awe-inspiring. In 2012, Danish divers pulled the badly...
He 219戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
亨克He 219 夜梟(貓頭鷹)是一款服役於二戰末期納粹德國空軍的夜間戰鬥機。He 219具相對複雜與創新的設計,包括安裝先進的攔截型雷達。它是全世界第一款安裝彈射座椅的軍機,更是德軍在二戰期間第一款投入应用的前三点式起落架的軍機。
He 219战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
He 219 A-2 是量产作业中延伸出来的机型,具有较长的 引擎机舱 (英语:nacelle) 内含额外的燃料槽,可以装配2挺30 mm(1.18 in) MK 108机炮 的Rüstsatz R1武器套件;并且在机身装配可以朝斜上方开火的 倾斜式机炮。 但在3月时由于 同盟国 大规模进型轰炸促使生产作业不断发生问题 [10] 这意味 A-2/R1 在1943年10月之前都不能交货给德国空军。 首批的10架到15架的飞机是配置490 MHz 特高频率带 FuG 212 Lichtenstein (英语:Lichtenstein radar) C-1 雷达,与32-偶 …
He219夜间战斗机 - 百度百科
亨克 He 219 夜枭 (猫头鹰) 是一款服役于二战末期纳粹德国空军的夜间战斗机。 它是全世界第一款安装弹射座椅的军机,更是德军在二战期间第一款操作三轮起落架的军机。
Heinkel He 219 A-2/R4 Uhu (Eagle Owl) - National Air and Space Museum
The He 219 was fast, maneuverable, and carried devastating firepower. It was the only piston-engined Luftwaffe night fighter which could meet the fast British De Havilland "Mosquito" on equal terms. Advanced features included cannons mounted to fire at an oblique angle, the first steerable nosewheel on an operational German aircraft, and the ...
Heinkel He 219 Uhu - Plane-Encyclopedia
The He 219 A-0 laying derelict at Munster, Germany in May 1945 [Warbirds Photographs] The He 219 proved to be one of the best German night-fighter designs of the war. Despite the small number of aircraft built, the pilots flying the He 219 managed to shoot down many Allied aircraft.
The Heinkel He 219 Uhu "Eagle-Owl" Luftwaffe WWII Night Fighter
2024年7月23日 · The Heinkel He 219, or "Eagle-Owl," was a night fighter in WWII, boasting advanced features. Called the best Luftwaffe night fighter in WWII, the He 219 had superior firepower. Major Modrow, top Uhu pilot, earned 33 of his 34 kills in the fearsome mechanical bird.
【参考资料】二战德空出色的夜间战斗机——He 219“夜枭”战斗机
实战证明,He 219是一种性能优秀的夜间战斗机,在速度、机动性和火力上均优于Bf 110夜战型,是德国空军唯一能与蚊式相媲美的活塞式夜间战斗机,如果它能在1943年大规模装备夜战部队,很可能英军的战略轰炸归于失败。