何耀,男,汉族, 苏州大学功能纳米与软物质研究院 教授, 博士生导师,专攻于硅纳米生物技术及其生物成像、分析检测和癌症早期检测与治疗。 [1] 2009.1年加入苏州大学功能纳米与软物质(材料)实验室,被聘为副教授,硕士生导师。 2011年4月,被聘为教授,博士生导师。 功能纳米材料的制备;纳米生物成像技术;纳米生物传感技术;纳米癌症治疗技术;纳米毒理学与安全性研究。 2018年8月3日, 国家自然科学基金委员会 公布2018年度 国家杰出青年科学基金 建议资 …
He Yao - The Great Ruler Wiki
Hey Yao is a senior at Northern Heavens Spiritual Academy, that, when Mu Chen enrolls, is ranked fourth on the Heavenly Rankings. He has a huge crush on Su Xuan and when she defended Mu Chen, his crush turned to hostility. Seeing this as an opportunity, Yang Hong decided to join the Demon's...
Yao He - Google Scholar
2021 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR …
何耀 - suda.edu.cn
热诚欢迎有志于从事科研工作的硕士/博士研究生和博士后研究人员加盟课题组([email protected])。 自2009年加入苏州大学,作为独立PI组建课题组开展工作至今,近五年来,在影响因子大于7.0的国际杂志发表文章30余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者且影响因子大于10.0的论文14篇(包括1篇Acc.Chem.Res.、3篇JACS和 5篇Angewandte Chemie)。...
YAO HE - Google Scholar
Postdoc, UCLA - Cited by 913 - Structural biology
Yao He
Hi, I am Yao He, a new incoming Master’s student in EE at Stanford! I am actively thinking about the next generation of robotics. My goal is to harness cutting-edge technologies to advance the capabilities of robotic systems, thereby driving innovations that can have transformative impacts across various sectors.
Professor Yao He Macao Institute of materials science and engineering
He Yao - Google Scholar
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …
Yao HE | Yunnan University, Kunming | Department of Physics
Yao HE | Cited by 14,026 | of Yunnan University, Kunming | Read 260 publications | Contact Yao HE
Dr. Yao He - suda.edu.cn
2019年1月9日 · Associate Professor, Soochow University, since 2009. Professor, Soochow University, since 2011. TEL: 0512-65880946. Email: [email protected]. Research interests: Development of functional silicon...
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