Hei Zao - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · The Effect of Hei Zao Property. Sweet, warm; spleen and stomach meridians entered. Actions. Tonify the spleen and stomach, harmonize property of medicine. Indications. Poor appetite due to spleen deficiency, purpura, lassitude. Dosage and …
Hai Zao - 海藻 -Sargassum - Chinese Herbs - American Dragon
Both Hai Zao and Meretricis/Cyclinae Ge Qiao are salty and cold, soften areas of hardness, reduce Phlegm and facilitate the movement of fluids to reduce edema. Hai Zao enters the Liver channel and is stronger at softening hardness and dispersing clumps. It is better for goiter, testicular pain and swelling and hepato/splenomegaly.
Hai Zao - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · Hai Zao (Sargassum)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal) The dry algae of plant Sargassum pallidum (Turn.) C. Ag. or S. fusiforme. (Harv.) Setch. of family Sargassaceae. Littoral areas in China. Collected in summer and autumn. Fishy smell, lightly salty taste. Dry, black and brown, less salt efflorescence, tender twig, without sand.
黑枣的功效与作用及禁忌-黑枣泡水的功效与作用-中药黑枣的功效 …
黑枣是一种常见的中药材,也是一种营养丰富的水果。 以下是黑枣的功效与作用以及食用禁忌。 1. 补血养颜:黑枣富含铁、钙、维生素C等营养成分,有助于提高血液中的血红蛋白含量,促进血液循环,从而达到补血养颜的效果。 2. 健脾益胃:黑枣能够调理脾胃,促进消化吸收,缓解胃寒、脾虚等问题,对食欲不振、消化不良等症状有一定的改善作用。 3. 改善贫血:由于黑枣中富含铁质和维生素C,能够促进铁的吸收和利用,对缺铁性贫血有很好的辅助治疗作用。 4. 调节血压:黑 …
Hai Zao (Sargassum) in Chinese Medicine - meandqi.com
Main actions according to TCM*: Clears Heat and reduces hardening associated with Phlegm-Heat. Encourages urination and clears edema. Expels Phlegm from the Lungs. Contraindications*: This herb should not be used by those with Coldness due to Spleen and Stomach Deficiency.
Hai Zao - Traditional Chinese Medicine Healing Herbs(TCMHH)
The Effect of Hai Zao Property. Salty, cold; liver, stomach and kidney meridians entered. Actions. Dissolve phlegm and soften hardness, induce diuresis and alleviate edema. Indications. A. Scrofula, goiter, swollen and painful testis
Da Zao (Hei) (Black Jujube Dates) | Chinese Herb, Chinese Jujube 1 …
Plum Dragon Herbs, Inc. is a USA company that provides geo-authentic herbs, sulfur-free, lab-tested and sourced indigenously. Da Zao is also known as Black Jujube Dates. The Jujube is a sweet herb used in the flavoring of foods. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a …
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Ziziphus jujuba, Da zao, hong zao, Hei zao, Chinese date, Red …
Z. vulgaris 红 枣 Hóng zǎo- Red date, 大 枣 Dà zǎo- Large date, 黑 枣 Hēi zǎo- Black date Family: Rhamnaceae. Red date, large date and black date all refer to the same species. The fruits start out green and turn red or mahogany once they're mature. The freshly harvested as well as the candied dried fruit are often eaten as a snack.
Hai Zao 海藻 - herbguide
Promotes urination and reduces edema: an adjunctive herb for edema due to leg qi or floating edema. Use caution with Stomach/Spleen deficiency cold. Incompatible with Gan Cao. Hai Zao is used to address phlegm nodules. It is often used with Kun Bu for this indication. Hai Zao should be rinsed thoroughly before use.
黑枣 - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · Hei Zao (Black Date) Sweet, warm; spleen and stomach meridians entered. Tonify the spleen and stomach, harmonize property of medicine. Poor appetite due to spleen deficiency, purpura, lassitude. Decoct 6~15 g. The knowledge about Traditional Chinese Medicine is provided free but without any warranties.