hej då - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年10月29日 · The most common farewell. Neutral in tone; compare English bye, goodbye. This page was last edited on 29 October 2024, at 21:17. Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
中文 中的 hej då, 翻译, 瑞典文 - 中文 字典 | Glosbe
再見, 再见, 再会是“hej då"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Inga offer, bara hej då... ↔ 每個 人 都 不要 傷心 , 說 再 見 就 好 了 。 En avskedshälsning som används när en eller flera personer i en situation, ett samtal eller på en plats går iväg medan andra stannar kvar. Inga offer, bara hej då... 每個 人 都 不要 傷心 , 說 再 見 就 好 了 。
“hej då”的发音:如何用瑞典语发音“hej då”
文明是我们生活的世界的一个重要方面,“请”或“谢谢”等表达方式对所有语言都是通用的。 了解一些此类词汇会非常有帮助。 您觉得您可以发音得更好? 或者您有不同的口音? 添加新的“hej …
How to Say Hello in Swedish: Every Swedish Greeting You Need - wikiHow
2024年11月29日 · Say hej då (hey doh) when taking your leave. There's no specific word for "goodbye" in Swedish. Hej då is the most common thing to say when parting ways, but some Swedes also simply say hej again. A literal translation for hej då is "hello then." Adjö (ah-dieu) is also used. This is a very formal, dismissive goodbye, similar to how you ...
瑞典语基本日常用语 - zh.speaklanguages.com
hej / hej hej: 你好: God dag: 你好 (字面意思:“美好的一天”;从早上到下午 5 点左右的任何时间都可以使用)
Does "hej då!" mean both "hello" and "goodbye"? - HiNative
"hejdå" means goodbye and "hej" means hello. you can also say "hejhej"when you meet someone, which means hello and sounds a little more happier than just saying "hej" :)
HEJ DÅ - Translation in English - bab.la
Find all translations of hej då in English like bye, bye-bye, so long and many others.
How To Say Goodbye In Swedish - Babbel.com
2020年11月19日 · Whether you’re in a formal or informal setting, the most common and straightforward way to say goodbye in Swedish is hej då. It’s just like “hey” (or hej ), but with an extra syllable tacked on.
HEJ DÅ! in English - Cambridge Dictionary
HEJ DÅ! translate: ta-ta, cheers!, cheerio!. Learn more in the Cambridge Swedish-English Dictionary.
hej då - Wiktionary
hej då. hälsningsfras vid avsked Synonymer: adjö (ålderdomligare, mer högtravande), hej (något vardagligare), farväl (högtidligare, mer högtravande), på återseende (en aning ålderdomligt), tjing tjing (slang), sköt om dig, sköt om er, ha det bra, ha det, tja då (slang), tjarrå (slang), tjingeling