Hercules A - Wikipedia
Hercules A is a bright astronomical radio source in the constellation Hercules corresponding to the galaxy 3C 348. [1][2] During a survey of bright radio sources in the mid-20th century, …
武仙座A - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
武仙座A 是一个位于 武仙座 的活跃星系,质量是 银河系 的1000多倍。 在 射电波段 观测,发现武仙座A有非常强的等离子体喷流,长度超过100万光年,这可能和它中间存在超大质量黑洞有 …
A Multi-Wavelength View of Radio Galaxy Hercules A
2012年11月29日 · This video envisions a three-dimensional look at the combined visible light and radio emission from the active galaxy Hercules A. Unusually, this giant elliptical galaxy is not …
Hercules A GalaxyFacts & Map - Universe Guide
Hercules A is a Radio Galaxy located in the constellation of Hercules in the northern hemisphere. Hercules A is not a Messier Object and doesn't have a Messier Number. The galaxy is …
Hercules A – National Radio Astronomy Observatory
2010年9月2日 · The Very Large Array sees fountains of hot gas erupting from a beastly black hole in the heart of a large galaxy known to radio astronomers as Hercules A. For millions of …
Active Galaxy Hercules A: Visible & Radio Comparison
2015年9月25日 · The active galaxy Hercules A was given that name because it is the brightest radio source in the constellation of Hercules. Astronomers found that the double-peaked radio …
Hercules A - National Radio Astronomy Observatory
2012年11月29日 · But the innocuous-looking galaxy, also known as 3C 348, has long been known as the brightest radio-emitting object in the constellation Hercules. Emitting nearly a …
A multi-wavelength view of radio galaxy Hercules A | ESA/Hubble
Spectacular jets powered by the gravitational energy of a supermassive black hole in the core of the elliptical galaxy Hercules A illustrate the combined imaging power of two of astronomy's …
A radio-optical view of the galaxy Hercules A | Astronomy.com
2012年12月3日 · Spectacular jets powered by the gravitational energy of a supermassive black hole in the core of the elliptical galaxy Hercules A illustrate the combined imaging power of two …
Hercules A (3C 348): Phenomenology of an Unusual Active …
2002年5月1日 · Hercules A is one of a few powerful double-lobe radio sources that show unusual features, from a double optical core to a string of radio intensity rings in one of its two lobes. …