Directed-energy weapon - Wikipedia
Police car equipped with an LRAD -500X sonic weapon (Warsaw, Poland, 2011). A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams.
HERF Gun Zaps More Than Your Dinner - Hackaday
2011年3月21日 · Instructables user [Jimmy Neutron] had an old microwave sitting around and figured he might as well gut it to build a high-energy radio frequency (HERF) gun. The concept of a HERF gun is not ...
Ultimate HERF Gun- Directional Microwave Blaster! - YouTube
It uses a special antenna called a magnetron to create powerful high energy radio waves that can heat fats and water and also transfer power wirelessly! During the event I was even interviewed...
High-Energy Radio Frequency Weapon: Definition, Examples
2023年8月18日 · A High-Energy Radio Frequency Weapon, also known as a HERF or RF weapon, is a device that uses intense bursts of radio frequency (RF) energy to incapacitate electronic systems. They are designed to disrupt or damage the circuits of electronic systems, thereby rendering them useless.
MICROWAVE CANNON! A High Energy Radio Frequence gun.
2013年7月25日 · Join the science discord! / discord Hey guys, in this video I show you how I built my microwave gun, also known as a HERF gun. I take a magnetron out of the oven and connect it to a waveguide....
HERF Gun out of Old Microwave - EEWeb
2012年1月15日 · The electromagnetic gun works just like a normal microwave with a high energy source triggering a magnetron which produces microwave radiation at 2.45GHz. The targeting part is a waveguide made out of metal which directs the microwaves in one direction instead of letting them scatter.
EMP / HERF / Marx Generator - Laser Pointer Forums
2007年12月13日 · I opened this thread for anybody interested in building a HERF gun. I have been searching for some good info for the past while and finally hit the jackpot. There is one site in particular that has much on the subject, and will post the links at the bottom.
HERF – Hackaday
The concept of a HERF gun is not incredibly complex. Much like your microwave at home functions, a high voltage power source is used to drive a magnetron, which produces micro wave radiation at 2...
microwave gun (1Kw directed HERF) - YouTube
2009年8月11日 · Microwave gun built from a microwave oven, a few computer fans, sheet metal, and wood.In addition to what is shown in the video, the gun will jam any radio o...
HERF Gun: Make it in your basement - Slashdot
A HERF gun that looks like an M16 or a.45 caliber pistol and shoots star-wars-like bolts of light, or the death ray in "Revenge of the Pink Panther", or the size of a packet of cigarets with some big LED numbers counting down with an audible click.