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About Us - Heyco
As part of the PennEngineering family, Heyco combines its decades of innovation with the global resources and advanced technologies of a world leader in fastening solutions. Together, we deliver unmatched expertise and capabilities, while continuing our commitment to quality and customer service.
Products - Heyco
Discover Heyco's HEYware portfolio with 4,000+ precision-engineered components, from circuit board supports to advanced cable management systems. Designed for diverse industries, our solutions exceed environmental and temperature requirements, offering superior performance and protection for critical components.
Heyco - IBS Electronics
Heyco是一家总部位于美国的模压电线保护产品和冲压电气元件制造商。 Heyco的产品包括不透液体的线夹、应力消除套管、不透液体配件、索环、缓冲器、支脚、线夹、PCB支架等。
深圳市兴泰达电子有限公司 深圳市兴泰达电子有限公司-专业配线 …
专业代理美国heyco 、te泰科、台湾kss凯士士、avc全冠、金笔、华伟等品牌配线器材,均为优质代理商可享有优先供货权 系统化的项目管控,操作精准按时交付 SYSTEMATIC PROJECT CONTROL, ACCURATE OPERATION ON TIME DELIVERY
HEYCO | | 产品中心_深圳市万杰精密配件有限公司
Heyco是三代传承的线缆保护专家 . 成立于1926年,Heyco依然是一家家族企业。Heyco在设计与制造模具成型电线保护、冲压电气元件方面拥有数十年的经验来满足客户的应用要求。
Heyco® –为您提供电缆安装和保护 | Bossard柏中
Heyco ® 提供高强度,带自锁齿,无缺口或双环型线缆扎带。 这包括了固定座,支架和其它配件为一体的综合零件,被称为Nytye ® 。 一体化设计节省成本和时间
Heyco - Wikipedia
Heyco GmbH & Co. is a German tool manufacturing company which manufactures tools for the automotive industry. The company was founded in 1937 and is based in Remscheid, Germany. Heyco manufactures custom tooling for many German automotive production companies such as BMW, Audi, VW, and Mercedes-Benz.
Start - HEYCO
2025年2月13日 · HEYCO is a leading supplier of products and engineering services in metal and plastics processing. HEYCO is characterized in all business areas by the consistent application of cutting-edge technologies and customer-oriented development work.
HEYCO-天津赛力斯自动化科技有限公司 - celiss.com
Heyco Products成立于1926年,于2016年被PennEngineering收购,在模塑电线保护产品和冲压电气组件的设计和制造方面拥有数十年的经验,以满足苛刻的客户应用要求。我们独特的内...