What do the subscripts in thermodynamic steam tables mean?
2011年4月17日 · I'm a bit confused with the meanings of f, g, and fg subscripts in the thermo steam tables (e.g. hf, hfg, hg). If there is saturated steam, part of the enthalpy is in liquid, hf, part is encapsulated in the vapour, hg, but what is hfg? Also h = hf + (x)hfg. h here is the total enthalpy of the entire system, and hf/hfg are the components?
Finding h2 Using Steam Tables and Enthalpy Equations - Physics …
2007年5月17日 · i have obtained h1 using: h1 = hf + x(hg-hf) (using steam tables) This has been calculated at 1826 kg/m3, from a revision guide all it states to calculate h2 is: ''From the steam table using h1 find h2?'' This is the only piece of information i need to complete the heat transfer calculation (to find h2) can you help at all? I don't now how to ...
Find the latent heat of vaporization - Physics Forums
2008年1月27日 · Latent Heat of Vaporization = Hg - Hf = Hfg (this is in my notes) What I don't understand is that I thought the Latent Heat of Vaporization is for when a phase change is happening and I thought phase changes occur at ~0C and ~100C Also in my notes it says Hg - Hf = Hfg = 2373.06 kJ/kg, The Attempt at a Solution
Comparing $gH$ and $Hg$ for Infinite & Finite Groups - Physics …
2016年11月20日 · I don't have an answer, just an observation. It is possible that given g and h that the h' might generate a subset of H, not all of H. (ie. \(\displaystyle \exists f: H \to H'\) is not an bijection.) In which case \(\displaystyle gH = H'g \subseteq Hg\) in general. I don't know if that helps or not.-Dan
I've been stuck on this proof for a while. H being normal in G
2014年11月21日 · For the particular h we are considering hg is an element of Hg (by definition of the set Hg) The equality of the sets Hg and gH implies that hg is also an element of gH. Since hg is an element of gH, it must be expressible as g(h0) for some element h0 in H. (i.e. "there exists an element h0 of H such that hg = gh0 ") So we have hg = gh0.
Proving Equivalence of $g' \in Hg$, $g'g^ {-1} \in H$, and $Hg
2016年3月14日 · Let $H$ be be a subgroup of a group $G$. Let $g'$ and $g$ elements of $G$. Prove that the following are equivalent: $(a)$ $g' \in Hg$, $(b)$ $g'g^{-1} \in...
Specific enthelpy at dryness fraction - Physics Forums
2011年4月27日 · I have two Hf's I have already calculated. Hf @ Ti 63 kJ/kg Hf @ Tb 419.2 kJ/kg These are just the values for saturated water at 15°C and 100°C. Other relevant equations: X = Dryness fraction = Mev / Mw = 0.013kg / 1.805kg = 0.007 Hfg at boiling temperature = 2256.4 Hev = Hx - Hf @ Ti Qev = Mw * Hx The Attempt at a Solution
Prov (fgh)' = f'gh + fg'h +fgh' - Physics Forums
2011年1月24日 · Homework Statement Hi folks, I've been trying to teach myself Calculus and I found a problem on the net which asks to prove that (fgh)' = f'gh +fg'h...
Thermodynamics: Isobaric process finding volume of steam.
2011年11月17日 · yeah Vf is tiny now I have found it got work done to -277.9KJ. for U1 I got 1670.4KJ from using the formula u=uf+x(ug-uf) and for u2 i thought because i know the specific volume look it up in the steam tables it comes to 2734KJ but I …
Proof of the Chain Rule: An Elegant and Simple Approach - Physics …
2011年8月2日 · Hi dalcde! I like this one. Say y is a function of x, and x is a function of t. Then y=y(x(t)) and: [tex]\frac {dy}{dt} = \frac {dy}{dx} \frac {dx}{dt}[/tex]