Ulm School of Design - Wikipedia
The new design teaching approach became known as the "Ulm Model" which significantly influenced worldwide design education, especially industrial design, as the HfG reputation spread and many HfG graduates established Ulm-influenced education programs around the globe.
Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm – Wikipedia
Die Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG Ulm) wurde 1953 von Inge Aicher-Scholl, Otl Aicher, Max Bill und weiteren in Ulm gegründet. Sie knüpfte an die Lehre und Erfahrungen des Bauhauses an, einer Hochschule, die in Kunst, Architektur und Gestaltung neue Wege beschritten hatte, auch personell gab es Verbindungen.
HfG Ulm
The social responsibility of designers: Why the HfG Ulm was founded The HfG was not founded to remedy an aesthetic deficit. Its founders Otl Aicher, Inge Scholl and Max Bill were not primarily interested in designing beautiful posters and lamps. Rather, they wanted to shape society.
The History of the Ulm School of Design - HfG Archiv Ulm
The HfG Ulm building was one of the first reinforced concrete frame constructions in Germany. For all components, all exterior walls and visible interior walls, the exposed concrete was coated with a fine concrete framework. The window frames were made of laminated wood, as were the doors. The Buildings of the Ulm School of Design, 1955.
HfG-Archiv Ulm
The HfG-Archiv Ulm has the task of comprehensively documenting the history of the Ulm School of Design. In its dual function as a museum and archive, it makes the contents and significance of the Hochschule accessible to a broad public. This is done through exhibitions, publications, events as well as the opportunity for scientific research.
HfG Ulm - Museum Ulm
The Ulm School of Design (Hochschule für Gestaltung, HfG), founded in 1953 by Inge Scholl, Otl Aicher and Max Bill, made design history until its untimely closure in 1968. The institution’s achievements continue to be of prime importance for the education and work of designers as well as for research until this day.
HfG Ulm
Die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Gestalter: Warum die HfG Ulm gegründet wurde Die HfG wurde nicht gegründet, um ein ästhetisches Defizit zu beheben. Ihren Gründern Otl Aicher, Inge Scholl und Max Bill ging es nicht in erster Linie darum, schöne Plakate und Lampen zu gestalten.
Stiftung HfG Ulm
Obwohl es seit über 50 Jahren keinen Hochschulbetrieb mehr in der HfG Ulm gibt können Sie bei Ihrem Besuch dennoch ein lebendiges Haus erleben: Das HfG-Archiv Ulm bringt ihnen in seiner Dauerausstellung die Geschichte des Hauses näher, im Veranstaltungsbereich finden Sie die passenden Räumlichkeiten für Feiern und Tagungen ...
乌尔姆设计学院 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
二战结束后, Otl Aicher, Max Bill, 以及 Inge Scholl ,于1953年在德国南部成立了Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm, 简称HfG。乌尔姆设计学院被认为是20世纪最有影响力(仅次于包豪斯)的设计流派,尤其在战后复苏的后资本主义时期,对于设计和工业的紧密连接产生了深远影响。
The Ulm School of Design Was the Bauhauss Influential Successor - Artsy
2019年9月11日 · Despite its brief 15-year existence, Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG), or the Ulm School of Design, is considered to be the most influential school of design after the Bauhaus. Founded by Otl Aicher , Max Bill , and Inge Scholl in Ulm, Germany, in 1953, the school championed a progressive education while operating in a scarce economy ...