三苯甲基保护的胺基的脱保护 - 搜狐
2017年7月3日 · Cys (Trt)、His (Trt)和Try (Trt)等的侧链上的N-Trt比Nα-Trt 对酸稳定,因此可以采用适当的酸解条件选择性脱去Nα-Trt而保留侧链上的N-Trt。 Trt对酸的敏感程度还随所用的酸的不同而异,例如Trt对醋酸比较敏感,在80%的醋酸中, Trt的脱除速度大约比Bpoc快7倍,比Boc快21,000倍,因而可以在Boc或Moz存在下选择性地脱去Trt。 但如用0.1MHBr/HOAc为试剂,Trt脱去速度反而慢于Boc和Moz。 Trt也能被催化氢解脱去,但脱去速度比O-苄基和N-Cbz要慢得多 …
Perfluoro-tert-butanol for selective on-resin detritylation: a mild ...
2021年8月19日 · Thus, resin-bound peptides attached via either RAM or Wang linker were treated with 30% HFIP or 30% (CF 3) 3 COH (for N-Mtt and N-Mmt protection) as well as with 30% (CF 3) 3 COH for O-Trt protection for 4 h to assess a possible effect on selectivity and retained linker attachment after such prolonged exposure.
Perfluoro-tert-butanol for selective on-resin detritylation: a mild ...
The mildest conditions identified for Mtt deprotection involve successive treatments with 30% hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) or 30% perfluoro-tert-butanol [(CF 3) 3 COH] in dichloromethane (3 × 5 or 3 × 15 min, respectively), while 30% HFIP, 30% (CF 3) 3 COH, or 10% AcOH-20% trifluoroethanol (TFE) in CH 2 Cl 2 (3 × 5 min) as well as 5% ...
另外,氨基酸上的氮原子如果需要引入三苯甲基(Trt),可以采用以下方法:(1)先制得Trt-氨基酸苄酯,再控制吸氢量选择性氢解,但有部分Trt被氢化,需除去伴生自由氨基酸;(2)用过量Trt-Cl,生成Trt-氨基酸三苯甲酯,然后用HCl/HOAc处理脱去三苯甲酯而得到 ...
固相多肽合成中的cleavage和沉淀多肽问题 - 生物科学 - 小木虫
我感觉是你的切割溶剂出了问题,常用的切割溶剂有两种:Reagent B(TFA/苯酚/水/Tis=88.5:5:5:2.5)和Reagent K(TFA/苯酚/苯甲硫醚/水/EDT=82.5:5:5:5:2.5)。 估计你想用的是Reagent K,那还是需要按比例配制的,切割的反应时间为2~2.5h,之后的滤液加到10倍体积以上的冰乙醚中,振摇均匀,冰浴中静止约30min,离心收集沉淀(注意:不能过滤,否则会因多肽的粘附而损失很多产物)。 因为使用Reagent K,侧链上的tBu和Trt 都应该被脱 …
(PDF) A new reagent for the cleavage of fully protected peptides ...
1994年11月21日 · HFIP-DCM solvent mixture exhibits superior properties, dissolving even peptides with preferentially hydrophobic properties and can be easily evaporated
Our Trt‐type solubilizing tag strategy. HFIP: 1,1,1,3,3,3 ...
Recently, solubilizing tag methods (Trt‐K and Trt‐R method) were developed for the challenging synthesis of peptides/proteins by means of native chemical ligation. In this system, the...
Postsynthetic modification of unprotected peptides via S …
2014年11月7日 · Tritylation using trityl alcohol (Trt-OH) in 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP) is a convenient and efficient procedure that can offer S-protection of the Cys located in fully unprotected peptides. The procedure simply requires Trt-OH and HFIP to selectively promote S-tritylation in the presen …
Selecting Orthogonal Building Blocks - MilliporeSigma
2-CLTRT/TRT/MMT. 2-ClTrt, Trt and Mmt groups can be removed of the side chains of Tyr, Hse/Ser/Thr 23 and Cys 24 using only 1% TFA in DCM, leaving all other protecting groups intact (Method 6). This allows the selective deprotection of a …
2022年10月28日 · 为了更加快速的,操作更加方便的,同时能够最小化消旋的把全保护的多肽片段从ctc树脂上裂解下来,这里我们使用了hfip(6-氟异丙醇):dcm=1:4的混合物来进行裂解。