[2006.16915] HGKT: Introducing Hierarchical Exercise Graph for ...
2020年6月13日 · To solve the above problems, we propose a hierarchical graph knowledge tracing model called HGKT to explore the latent hierarchical relations between exercises. …
hanstong/HGKT - GitHub
The implementation of the paper Introducing Problem Schema with Hierarchical Exercise Graph for Knowledge Tracing. The architecture of the HGKT is as follows: To run this code you need …
HGKT : Introducing Hierarchical Exercise Graph for ... - CSDN博客
为了解决上述问题,我们提出了一个叫做HGKT的分层图知识追踪模型,以探索练习之间的潜在分层关系。 具体来说,我们引入了问题模式的概念来构建一个层次化的练习图,该图可以模拟 …
HGKT: Hypergraph-based Knowledge Tracing for Learner …
In this paper, a novel hypergraph-based knowledge tracing model (HGKT) is proposed to address these limitations. Firstly, we exploit edge feature that indicates the frequency of exercise …
To solve the above problems, we propose a hierarchical graph knowledge trac-ing model called HGKT to explore the latent hierarchical relations between exercises. Specifically, we introduce …
【论文解读|SIGIR2021】HGKT : Introducing Hierarchical Exercise …
基于图的知识跟踪 (GKT)将知识跟踪与图神经网络 [25]相结合。 它将学习者隐藏的知识状态编码为图节点的嵌入,并更新知识图中的状态。 这些模型已被证明是有效的,但仍有局限性。 现有 …
Introducing Problem Schema with Hierarchical Exercise Graph for ...
2022年7月7日 · This video shows how we propose a hierarchical graph knowledge tracing model called HGKT to explore the latent complex relations between exercises. Specifically, we …
HGKT: Introducing Hierarchical Exercise Graph for Knowledge …
2020年6月13日 · To solve the above problems, we propose a hierarchical graph knowledge tracing model called HGKT to explore the latent hierarchical relations between exercises. …
knowledge tracing framework named HGKT, which uni•es the strengths of hierarchical graph neural network and recurrent se-quence model with a−ention to enhance the performance of …
HGKT: Hypergraph-based Knowledge Tracing for Learner …
A novel hypergraph-based knowledge tracing model (HGKT) is proposed that outperforms previous classical methods in terms of AUC on the three widely used datasets and the …