HGW15CCZAC | HGW/QHW | Series HG/QH | Ball guides | Blocks
As soon as this permanent deformation exceeds a certain level, it affects smooth operation of the guideway. According to its basic definition, the static load rating corresponds to a static load that causes permanent deformation of 0.0001 × ball diameter at …
国产上银直线导轨滑块滑轨线轨轴承HGH HGW15/20/25/30CA CC …
国产上银直线导轨滑块滑轨线轨轴承hgh hgw15/20/25/30ca cc全套 hgw25cc(法兰滑块)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
上银直线导轨HGW15CA-法兰型HG15 | 直线导轨官网
上银 直线导轨 HG系列,为四列式单圆弧牙型接触 直线导轨,同时整合优化结构设计之超重负荷精密直线导轨,相较于其他之直线导轨提升了负荷与刚性能力;具备四方向等负载特色、及自动调心的功能,可吸收安装面的装配误差,得到高精度的诉求。 高速度、高负荷、高刚性与高精度化概念已成为未来全世界工业产品发展的趋势,HIWIN 四列式超重负荷HG直线导轨,即为基于此理念开发之产品。 HG系列直线导轨特点: (1) 自动调心能力. 来自圆弧沟槽的DF (45°-45°)组合,在 …
Hiwin HGW15CCZAC Flange Block Linear Guides - Motion …
Hiwin HG Series linear guideways are designed with load capacity and rigidity higher than other similar products with circular-arc groove and structure optimization. It features 4-way equal load capacity in the radial, reverse radial and lateral directions and are self-aligning to absorb installation-error.
Thanh trượt vuông 15 20 - Ray trượt HGR - Cửa Hàng Vật Tư™
Thanh ray trượt HGR được sản xuất tương thích với loại con trượt HGH và HGW. Đây là loại ray chạy 2 dãy bi cho phép chịu tải lớn, chịu lực, chịu va đập. Được chế tạo từ thép, nên được lựa chọn sử dụng rất nhiều trong công nghiệp: máy công cụ, máy gia công, máy cắt, cửa tự động, các hệ thống dẫn động tịnh tiến.
国产直线导轨滑块HGH/HGW15/20/25/30/35/45/55 - 1688.com
品牌:CNCD,种类:滑动导轨,额定动载荷:21.18,材质:S55C,额定静载荷:35.9,精度等级:H (高级),允许静力矩:0.35(kn·m),滑块固定方式:上锁式,滑轨长度:HGR15-100MM (0.1米)导轨,HGR20-100MM (0.1米)导轨,HGR25-100MM (0.1米)导轨,HGR30-100MM (0.1米)导轨,HGR35-100MM (0.1米)导轨,HGR45-100MM (0.1米)导轨),HGR55-100MM (0.1米)导轨,HGH15CA方形滑块,HGW15CC法兰滑块,HGH20CA方形滑块,HGW20CC法兰滑 …
上银国产替代直线导轨 HGH/HGW15 20 45 55 65CA高组装线轨滑块
品牌:柯法,种类:滑动导轨,额定动载荷:11.38kN-208.36kN,材质:碳素钢,额定静载荷:16.97kN-303.13kN,精度等级:C (普通级),允许静力矩:Mp0.1-7.38(kn·m),滑块固定方式:上锁式,滑轨长度:HGH15-L1000按需切割,HGH20-L1000按需切割,HGH25-L1000按需切割,HGH30-L1000按需切割,HGH35-L1000按需切割,HGH45-L1000按需切割,HGH55-L1000按需切割,HGH65-L1000按需切割,HGH15CA四方滑块,HGH20CA四方滑块,HGH25CA四方滑块,HGH30CA四方滑 …
精密方滑块HGW15/20/25CC轴承钢HGH30/35/45/55CA 直线滑块 …
阿里巴巴精密方滑块hgw15/20/25cc轴承钢hgh30/35/45/55ca 直线滑块导轨,导轨,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是精密方滑块hgw15/20/25cc轴承钢hgh30/35/45/55ca 直线 …
Hgw15 Hiwin Linear Bearings Guideway with Carriage
Hgw15 Hiwin Linear Bearings Guideway with Carriage, Find Details and Price about Block Slider Carriage Ball Screw Linear Rail from Hgw15 Hiwin Linear Bearings Guideway with Carriage - Suzhou Weipeng Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.