BiGG Reaction: HHDDH
Universal BiGG reaction HHDDH. hydratase. Latest BiGG Models publication: King ZA, Lu JS, Dräger A, Miller PC, Federowicz S, Lerman JA, Ebrahim A, Palsson BO, and ...
Enhancing the biocatalytic manufacture of the key intermediate of ...
Feb 6, 2017 · Halohydrin dehalogenases (HHDHs, EC 4.5.1.X), also known as halohydrin epoxidases or halohydrin hydrogen-halide-lyases, are microbial enzymes that catalyze the reversible...
Conformational Landscapes of Halohydrin Dehalogenases and …
Dec 1, 2020 · Halohydrin dehalogenases (HHDH) are industrially relevant biocatalysts exhibiting a promiscuous epoxide-ring opening reactivity in the presence of small nucleophiles, thus giving access to novel carbon–carbon, carbon–oxygen, carbon–nitrogen, and carbon–sulfur bonds.
Rational design of halohydrin dehalogenase for efficient chiral ...
Sep 15, 2020 · Halohydrin dehalogenase (EC4.5.1.X, HHDH) is one of the key enzymes catalyzing the reversible dehalogenation of β-haloalcohols with the formation of epoxide. It is widely applied in the biosynthesis of enantiopure haloalcohols and epoxides [7].
Recent advances on halohydrin dehalogenases—from enzyme
Aug 8, 2016 · These enzymes, also called halohydrin dehalogenases (HHDHs), haloalcohol dehalogenases, or halohydrin hydrogen-halide-lyases, belong to the enzyme class of lyases (EC 4.5.1.-) and catalyze the reversible dehalogenation of halohydrins with epoxide formation through intramolecular nucleophilic displacement of the halogen substituent by the neighbo...
Intact-cell detection of halohydrin dehalogenase activity and ...
Nov 1, 2024 · Halohydrin dehalogenase (HHDH) can degrade 1,2,3-trichloropropanol and other halogenated alcohols. These enzymes exhibit stereoselectivity and can be used to produce pure chiral epoxides and β-substituted alcohols of industrial value.
卤醇脱卤酶的研究进展 - 百度学术
卤醇脱卤酶 (halohydrin dehalogenases,HHDHs)是微生物代谢卤代醇的重要酶类,它既能催化邻卤代醇脱卤成环又能催化逆反应环氧化物开环.近年来,通过基于数据库的基因挖掘,HHDHs酶家族扩增至70多种,亚类也由A类发展至G类.通过酶表征,发现酶的底物范围不一,而且酶活力,稳定性以及立体选择性难以满足工业生产需求,通过分子改造改善了酶的性能,拓展了HHDHs在生物催化方面的应用.本文综述了近年来HHDHs的结构机制,来源分布,酶分子改造以及催化应用等方面的研究. 百度 …
Properties and biotechnological applications of halohydrin ...
Nov 1, 2012 · Halohydrin dehalogenases (HHDHs) are lyases that catalyze the cleavage of carbon–halogen bond of halohydrins. They also can catalyze the reverse reaction in the presence of nucleophiles such as cyanide, azide, and nitrite ions. HHDHs have been recognized as the ideal tools for the degradation of various halogenated environmental pollutants.
Conformational Landscapes of Halohydrin Dehalogenases and …
Nov 12, 2020 · Halohydrin dehalogenases (HHDH) are industrially relevant biocatalysts exhibiting a promiscuous epoxide-ring opening reactivity in the presence of small nucleophiles, thus...
Mar 15, 2019 · Halohydrin dehalogenases (HHDHs) are valuable biocatalysts for the synthesis of β‐substituted alcohols based on their epoxide ring‐opening activity with a number of small anionic nucleophiles.