The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Established in 1911, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) is the territory’s oldest institute of higher learning and also an internationally recognized, research led, comprehensive university.
香港大學 (HKU)
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University of Hong Kong - Wikipedia
The University of Hong Kong (HKU) (Chinese: 香港大學) is a public research university in Pokfulam, Hong Kong. It was founded in 1887 as the Hong Kong College of Medicine for Chinese by the London Missionary Society and formally established as the University of Hong Kong in 1911. It is the oldest tertiary institution in Hong Kong. [8]
香港大學 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港大學 (英語: The University of Hong Kong, 縮寫: HKU),簡稱 港大,是 香港 第一所公立 研究型大學,大學本部位於 香港島 中西區 薄扶林 龍虎山 [3][註 2]。 大學成立於1911年,由兩所當時已存在的高等院校—— 香港西醫書院 及 香港工學院 合併而成,并加设 文学院,於1912年3月11日正式辦學 [6],是香港最早建立的 高等教育 及提供學士課程的教育機構,亦是 英國 在 印度以東 最早成立的大學 [7]。 香港大學是亞洲以至全球最頂尖的大學之一 [8],現時位居 QS世界 …
Home | Admissions Office, the Registry
Application through international/ non-JUPAS admissions scheme is now open. Click to learn about the details. Attention top scorers of local non-JUPAS students! HKU's scholarships await you to turn your dreams into reality and to explore a world of opportunities and diverse offerings for a fulfilling university experience.
About HKU - University of Hong Kong
HKU takes pride in its diverse community of students and staff, offering a dynamic and multicultural campus experience for all. Throughout its century-long journey, HKU has transformed from a small institution in a remote colonial outpost to Asia's top university, situated in the heart of the continent's financial capital.
All Departments (A-Z) - Faculties & Departments - HKU
Academic Advising and Scholarships Office ; Academic Development; Academic Liaison Office; Academic Services Office; Academic Support and Examinations Section
Applying to HKU
Review the general admission eligibility for taught postgraduate programmes. How should I start? If you're considering applying for taught postgraduate study at HKU, our step-by-step guide will get you started. What is the application fee? Check out the application fee details.
香港大学 - 百度百科
香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称“港大”(HKU),是 中国香港 的一所综合性、国际化公立 研究型大学,有亚洲“ 常春藤 ”之称 [131]。 校训为“ 明德格物 ”,对应拉丁文为Sapientia Et Virtus,为 环太平洋大学联盟 、 松联盟 、 Universitas 21 、 中国大学校长联谊会 、 粤港澳高校联盟 、 京港大学联盟 、 沪港大学联盟 、 英联邦大学协会 成员, AACSB 及 EQUIS 双重认证成员,是全球第一个界定出 重症急性呼吸综合征 病原体的科研单位。 [4-6] [130] [134] 香港大 …
HKU - Growing Minds Growing Horizons
At HKU, we celebrate diversity and global connectivity, cultivating a vibrant environment where varied perspectives converge. Just as a tree thrives through its roots and branches, HKU’s rich heritage provides a strong foundation for academic pursuits and innovations, allowing us to reach out and connect with the world.