Hulk - Wikipedia
Commonly portrayed as a raging savage, the Hulk has been represented with other alter egos, from a mindless, destructive force (War) to a brilliant warrior (World-Breaker), a self-hating protector (the Devil Hulk), a genius scientist in his own …
Hulk | Every Hulk Smash! - YouTube
Enjoy every single Hulk smash moment from Hulk!Watch Hulk today!Amazon: https:...
The Incredible Hulk - TV Series - YouTube
Dr. David Bruce Banner, a fugitive scientist, has the curse of becoming a powerful green monster under extreme emotional stress. He is the Incredible Hulk. Follow along with the heartbreaking story...
The Incredible Hulk (2008) - IMDb
2008年6月13日 · Bruce Banner, a scientist on the run from the U.S. Government, must find a cure for the monster he turns into whenever he loses his temper. Voice of The Incredible Hulk … The story of Dr. Bruce Banner, who seeks a cure to his unique condition, which causes him to turn into a giant green monster under emotional stress, is depicted.
Hulk | Marvel Studios’ Legends | Disney+ - YouTube
Start streaming Marvel Studios’ Legends for Bruce Banner now on Disney+: https://bit.ly/2XyBSIW Sub...
Incredible Hulk | Creators, Stories, TV Show, & Films | Britannica
2025年2月18日 · In The Incredible Hulk no. 140 (June 1971), the Hulk enters a subatomic world inhabited by green-skinned humanoids who are ruled by the benevolent Princess Jarella.
浩克 (漫畫) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
浩克 (英語: The Hulk),本名 布魯斯·班納 (Bruce Banner),是出現在 漫威漫畫 出版物中的英雄虛構人物。 浩克由 史丹·李 與 杰克·科比 所创作,首次出現於《不可思議的浩克 (英语:The Incredible Hulk (comic book))》第一部第一期(1962年二月)。 物理學家 羅柏特·布魯斯·班納 (Robert Bruce Banner)博士在意外受自己製造出的伽瑪炸彈放射線污染後變成了名為浩克的憤怒怪物。 班納與浩克兩個身分時常造成毀滅性的破壞,因此常成為警方與有關單位追捕的對象 …
罗伯特·布鲁斯·班纳(Robert Bruce Banner),代号绿巨人/浩克(Hulk),是美国 漫威 漫画旗下的 超级英雄。 初次登场于《不可思议的浩克》(The Incredible Hulk)第1期(1962年5月),由 斯坦·李 和 杰克·科比 联合创造。 班纳是世界著名的物理学家,在一次意外中,被自己制造出的伽马炸弹(Gamma Bomb)的放射线大量辐射,身体产生异变,后来每当他情绪激动心跳加速的时候,就会变成名为浩克的绿色怪物。 由于变身后往往不受控制,所以为了不伤害身边的人,班 …
Hulk | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
As a result, the mild-mannered scientist found that when angered, provoked or excited, his body and brain would transform into a huge, rage-fueled, primitive-minded creature known as the Hulk. For five years, Banner remained on the run from the United States Army.
Incredible Hulk (2023 - Present) - Marvel.com
As an enraged Hulk tries to take control of Bruce Banner's body permanently, a mysterious immortal turns every monster in the Marvel Universe against Banner in an attempt to free their creator, the primordial Mother of Horrors.