新平台 新未来--禾柏生物助力“2024白求恩精神研究会第六次医学检验大会” 2024年5月11日,“2024白求恩精神研究会检验医学分会理事会议暨第六次医学检验大会“在石家庄举行,禾柏生物受邀参会并携新品参展。
POCT Manufacturer/Company, IVD Manufacturer/Company | Hipro
Hipro focuses on R&D, manufacturing, marketing, and relevant services of Point-of-Care products. Hipro, with the reagent R&D Center at Silicon Valley, USA, and instrument R&D Center at Freiburg, Germany, and production base in China - Hebei Province, has established branches in San Francisco, Freiburg, Beijing, Suzhou, Chengdu, Guangzhou, etc.
Hipro A1 AFS/1 Fully Automated Immunoassay Analyzer | Hipro Biotechnology
Hipro A1/HP-AFS/1 is a type of immunoassay analyzer provided by Hipro Biotechnology. Adopted the latest nephelometry, biochemistry, turbidimetry and immunofluorescence methodologies, it is 5KG only, fully automated, small and portable.
Types of Point of Care Testing, Point of Care Products/Services | Hipro
Hipro Biotechnology offers high-end POCT products. The coverage of our point of care diagnostic testing methods include diagnostic reagents, immunoassay analyzers and SARS-CoV-2 related products. Contact us to get more details!
公司概述 - Shijiazhuang Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Shijiazhuang Hipro Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 所有产品:A1自动免疫测定系统,A3自动免疫测定系统,飓风POC免疫测定系统,D-二聚体,HCY
Site Officiel HiPRO France - Page D'accueil
Parce que nous pensons que ton alimentation doit être à la hauteur de tes objectifs, HiPRO c'est la marque d'ultra-frais pour les sportifs.
HiPro [ハイプロ] - 副業・フリーランスのプロ人材総合支援サー …
HiProは、パーソルキャリアが運営するプロフェッショナル人材の総合活用支援サービスです。 スキルや経験を活かしたい個人と複雑化する課題に対応したい企業のためにサービスと情報をご紹介。
Hi-Pro® 2 - Hearing Aid Programming - Natus
Hi-Pro 2 gives you an easy way to streamline your fitting processes. Developed in collaboration with hearing aid manufacturers, Hi-Pro 2 is the latest in the Hi-Pro series – long recognized as the industry standard for hearing instrument programming.
Automated Immunoassay Analyzers, Immunoassay Platform | Hipro
As a mature POCT company, Hipro can offer automated immunoassay systems with different types of immunoassay analyzers including Palm Reader Immunoassay Analyzers, Hurricane Immunoassay Analyzers, Microfluidics Immunoassay Analyzers, Protein Analyzer, etc.
HIPRO这是什么牌子的电源 质量怎么样 - 百度知道
2008年8月24日 · 读者对于hipro这个品牌大概比较陌生,小编这里简单介绍一下,hipro是台湾群光集团的关系企业,中文名为高效,是世界前五大电源oem大厂之一,为hp、ibm、dell等世界大牌整机厂家提供高端产品所用电源,其电源产品因转换效率高、输出稳定、静音而驰名。
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