Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) is a JULAC (Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee) collaborative book loan service. It lets faculty, students, and staff of the 8 UGC-supported universities get print books not available in their home libraries. Go to your home library's website to learn more about this service.
Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) - JULAC
HKALL is a union catalogue allowing the students and staff of the eight partner institutions to search a mega collection of over 5 million titles of monographs held in the eight participating libraries. They can make direct requests on these materials, and have the materials delivered to the libraries of their respective institutions within 24 ...
HKALL - Access Resources Beyond HKBU Library - Services - HKBU Library
2024年11月4日 · Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) is a free service that allows eligible HKBU users to request books from other UGC-funded libraries. Requested materials will be delivered to HKBU’s Main Library or the Shek Mun Campus Library for patrons to check out.
HKALL Borrowing Services 港書網 - City University of Hong Kong
Through HKALL (Hong Kong Academic Library Link), all CityUHK staff and also students enrolled on courses leading to CityUHK awarded degrees * can borrow books from all other University Grants Committee (UGC) funded libraries by requesting them via CityUHK LibraryFind and have them delivered to the Circulation Counter of the CityUHK Library for ...
2024年10月18日 · HKALL – Hong Kong Academic Library Link is a joint project of the eight university libraries in Hong Kong, through which you can: Request books from other local university libraries online (watch a video) Borrow them at HKUST Library’s Service Counter; Borrow and Return
香港高校圖書聯網 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
香港高校圖書聯網 (英語: Hong Kong Academic Library Link),又名港書網,簡稱HKALL,本來是一個由 香港城市大學 、 嶺南大學 及 香港大學,在2004年1月至10月發起的 圖書館 聯網試驗計劃。 旨在讓三所院校圖書館的讀者能夠更加快捷、更加方便地使用其餘兩所院校圖書館的藏書 [1]。 經檢討後, 大學教育資助委員會 在2005年資助1000萬建立正式的香港高校圖書館聯網 [2],並於同年10月啟動 [3]。 聯網參與院校由試驗初期的三所大學拓展至八大高等院校。 八大 …
Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) – EdUHK Library
2024年1月30日 · Through HKALL, eligible EdUHK Library users holding EdUHK Student Cards or Staff Cards can borrow books (excluding media and other non-book materials) from the other seven UGC institution libraries. Requests will be made online and the books will be delivered to the selected location for checkout.
EdUHK Library
3 天之前 · Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) Inter-campus Delivery. Inter-library Loan Services — Urgent Article Request. Inter-library Loan and Document Delivery Service. JULAC Library Cards. Library Forms. Library Notice. Library SMS Alerts. Loan of Notebooks and e-Book Readers. Reader Cards to Other Partner Libraries.
Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) and Partners
Hong Kong Academic Library Link (HKALL) enables users to request and check out items held by other UGC-funded university libraries. For physical and digital items that cannot be requested and checked out from HKALL libraries, Lingnan University Library helps source materials in other local and overseas partner libraries.
CUHK LibrarySearch
LibrarySearch provides simple, one-stop searching for CUHK library books, e-resources, videos, articles, dissertations, undergraduate past exam papers, course reserves, and more. In addition LibrarySearch allows eligible CUHK users to search and request materials from other HK academic libraries via HKALL.