Structure of the Hong Kong Police Force - Wikipedia
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) is structured into numerous bureaus and units. As a whole, it is commanded by the Commissioner of Police, who is assisted by three deputy commissioners. The "Deputy Commissioner – Operations" supervises all operational matters including crime.
有組織罪案及三合會調查科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
有組織罪案及三合會調查科(俗稱O記;英文:Organised Crime and Triad Bureau,縮寫:OCTB)於1957年成立,隸屬於香港警務處 刑事及保安處 刑事部,主要責任為調查及打擊極為複雜及嚴重的有組織罪案及三合會罪案。
Hong Kong Police Force - Wikipedia
The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) is the primary law enforcement, investigative agency, and largest disciplined service under the Security Bureau of Hong Kong.
有组织罪案及三合会调查科 - 百度百科
有组织罪案及三合会调查科(俗称O记;英文:Organized Crime and Triad Bureau,缩写:OCTB)于1957年成立,隶属于香港警务处刑事及保安处刑事部,由从前的有组织及严重罪案调查科(OSCB)及反三合会行动组(DATS,俗称反黑组)合并而成,主要负责调查及打击极为复 …
Organization Structure: Organization Chart of HKPF
2025年2月28日 · Each of the Major Formations, all under the Six Departments, is commanded by an Assistant Commissioner of Police or equivalent civilian officer, except the Planning and Development Branch which is commanded by a Chief Superintendent of Police. Frontline policing is delivered by six Regions, each commanded by an Assistant Commissioner of Police.
Hong Kong Fact Sheet - The Police | Hong Kong Police Force
The Organized Crime and Triad Bureau (OCTB) co- ordinates Force-wide resources in combating serious crimes such as human smuggling and trafficking in persons, syndicated vice, loansharking and unlawful debt collection, illegal bookmaking, firearms and explosives-related crimes as well as major public disorder situations, major disasters and ...
有組織罪案及三合會調查科 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
有組織罪案及三合會調查科(俗稱O記;英文:Organised Crime and Triad Bureau,縮寫:OCTB)於1957年成立,隸屬於香港警務處 刑事及保安處 刑事部,主要責任為調查及打擊極為複雜及嚴重的有組織罪案及三合會罪案。
香港警務處 | 香港政府車輛 Wiki | Fandom
警察级别爆炸品处理课 (俗称:拆弹专家;英文:Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau,简称:EOD)负责处理香港境内的所有非法爆炸品﹝小口径弹药除外﹞,包括化生辐核武器。 本课人员受过训练并有适当装备,可处理陆上和水底爆炸品。 该课每星期平均奉召出动一至两次,处理项目由非法烟花,土制炸弹至第二次世界大战遗留的巨型空投炸弹不等。 香港警務處,(简称警务处;英语: H ong K ong P olice F orce,简称: HKPF),是隶属于中华人民共和国香港特别行 …
B' Department (Crime & Security) | Hong Kong Police Force
Investigates serious and complex commercial fraud; computer crime; and the counterfeiting or forgery of currency, coinage, credit cards, other commercial instruments and travel and identity documents. Cultivates information in relation to criminal activities, societies, organised and …
Telephone Directory of the Government of the HKSAR And Related ...
Email [email protected] Remarks: 1.For those calling from places outside Hong Kong, please dial the area code "852" before the telephone number (not applicable to overseas offices).
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