TL-1D: Temperature, high storage capacity: 64,000 lines • Free evaluation and configuration software HW4-lite • FDA 21 CFR Part 11 / GAMP 5-compliant HW4 software
HygroLog HL-1D - Data Logger for Humidity and Temperature
HL1D是一种紧凑,低成本的数据记录仪,其精度为±3.0%RH和±0.3°C。 内部存储器最多可存储32,000个数据点,并包含HW4-Lite软件。 可软件预设开始/停止记录时间。 HL-1D / BL-1D / TL-1D - CE declaration Size: (399.78 KB) 2021-10-06 03:01:16. HL-1D / BL-1D / TL-1D - Short instruction manual Size: (1.35 MB) 2021-10-06 03:01:16. HL-1D / BL-1D / TL-1D - Data sheet Size: (194.47 KB) 2021-10-06 03:01:16.
HygroLog HL-1D - Rotronic USA (Process Sensing Technologies, …
Compact, dependable and inexpensive. Features High measurement accuracy of ±3.0 %RH and ±0.3 °C Compact with high level of IP protection Large storage capacity: 16,000 data point memory MIN/MAX/AVG statistical function Includs HW4 …
Data Logger - Rotronic HL-1D, BL-1D, TL-1D - Process Sensing
The HL-1D is Rotronic's bestselling and smallest humidity logger available from Rotronic. In addition to humidity and temperature, the BL-1D also logs ambient pressure and dew point. The TL-1D temperature data logger: compact, accurate and inexpensive. Come and meet us. Contact our experienced engineers to discuss your application needs.
HL-1D - 星南實業股份有限公司
HygroLog HL-1D 溫溼度記錄器,價格經濟實惠、可靠,用於製藥、圖書館、博物館、食品和藥品加工運輸存儲、倉庫、冷鏈溫溼度記錄系統、溫度分佈驗證。
用于湿度、温度、露点和压力的数据记录器- Rotronic HL-1D, BL-1D, TL-1D
hl-1d 湿度和温度数据记录器 hl-1d是一款应用广泛的小型温湿度记录器. bl-1d 环境压力和露点湿度数据记录器 除了湿度和温度,bl-1d也可以记录环境压力和露点 . tl-1d 温度数据记录器 tl-1d 温度数据记录器: 紧凑,精确和低成本
Rotronic Instruments HL-1D 湿度、温度数据记录仪, NTC ... - RS
2025年3月10日 · 从RS在线订购Rotronic Instruments HL-1D 湿度、温度数据记录仪, NTC, ROTRONIC HygroMer IN-1传感器 或其他数据记录仪并指定次日送货,可享受一流服务和大量电子元件享有更佳价格
温度和湿度数据采集器 Rotronic HYGROLOG HL-1D
DirectIndustry(工业在线展会)为您提供温度和湿度数据采集器产品详细信息。规格型号:Rotronic HYGROLOG HL-1D,公司品牌:Process Sensing Technologies。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。
Rotronic HL-1D & TL-1D Data Loggers - Instrumart
Rotronic HL-1D & TL-1D data loggers are cost-effective instruments for remotely monitoring and recording humidity and/or temperature. Both loggers feature an NTC sensor to measure temperature over a range of -20 to 70˚C with an accuracy of ±0.3°C.
Temperature and Humidity Data Logger with multilevel Security …
2020年1月23日 · Temperature and Humidity Data Logger with multilevel Security 21 CFR USB Cable Vaccine Datalogger Pharma & Pressure datalogger for Server Rooms Model: Rotronic Hygrolog HL-1D Share: