Qi Li - Eberly College of Science
Topological and Unconventional Superconductivity in Thin Films and Nanostructures. High Mobility Two Dimensional Electron Gas at Transition Metal Oxide Interfaces. Spintronics, …
Li Li | Institute of Energy and the Environment
The Li Reactive Water group is interested in questions regarding how the structure of Critical Zone—Earth’s living skin from the tree tops to the bottom of groundwater (the zone that …
LEO - Laboratory Equipment Operations
LEO allows laboratory equipment users to make tool reservations, control access to tools in the lab, and streamline logistics and communication.
HXII-KB - Clear-Com
The HelixNet IP networking guide provides specifications, best practices and guidance for the integration of HelixNet into an existing or new IP network. The HMS-4X is also available for …
Welcome to Runze Li’s Homepage - Sites at Penn State
Email: runzeli@psu…. Mailing Address: Department of Statistics, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802-2111. Personal website: https://runzelipsu.github.io/ Academic …
EECS Directory | Penn State Engineering - Pennsylvania State …
We offer B.S. degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, computer engineering and data science and graduate degrees (master's degrees and Ph.D.'s) in electrical engineering and …
HXII-RM - Clear-Com
HXII-RM-X4/HRM-4X (includes): (1) Inline PSU 15W 48V DC (453G026) Arcadia: Supports up to 128 HelixNet User Stations over Ethernet or Powerline via the HXII-DPL Powerline Device. Up …
FSII-SPL - Clear-Com
The FSII-SPL is a splitter that connects multiple FreeSpeak II transceiver antennas to an Eclipse® HX matrix (via E-QUE-HX card) or a FreeSpeak II base station. The splitter provides up to five …
Gaurav Bhardwaj - Google Scholar
Damian B. van Rossum The Pennsylvania State University, Dept of Biology Verified email at psu.edu. David Baker University of Washington Verified email at uw.edu. ... Gabe Fung …
Zhenhui Jessie Li - Pennsylvania State University
Zhenhui (Jessie) Li is an associate professor in College of Information Sciences and Technology of Pennsylvania State University. Her research interest is data mining. [2020.8] Check out our …