A note on HNB dye - RTLAMP
2021年2月2日 · A particularly interesting one has popped up with HNB dye. We hear reports of one group of users buying and using a hydroxynaphthol blue dye that simply did not dye the reaction mix upon the addition of dye to a total concentration of …
Hydroxynaphthol Blue Product - MilliporeSigma
In this study, we developed a visual detection method of B. cinerea based on the Bcos5 sequence using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) with hydroxynaphthol blue dye (HNB). The Development of phage immuno-loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays for organophosphorus pesticides in agro-products.
Frontiers | A colorimetric hydroxy naphthol blue based loop …
2022年11月20日 · Hydroxy naphthol blue (HNB), an indicator dye for LAMP-based detection was utilized for the LAMP assay to enable visualization in the current work. According to the result of a range of HNB dye concentration test, concentration less than 120 µM have an impact on the visual detection of LAMP results but have no impact on the ladder-like pattern ...
A novel visual-mixed-dye for LAMP and its application in the …
2019年6月1日 · Herein, a visual-mixed-dye (VMD) containing calcein (precombined with MnCl 2) and hydroxynaphthol blue (HNB) for LAMP end-point detection was developed. The optimal final concentrations of these components in VMD were 25 and 300 μM, respectively.
Dual-color blending based visual LAMP for food allergen …
2022年3月30日 · Hydroxynaphthol blue (HNB) is a metal indicator, which has also been used for LAMP colorimetric detection (Goto et al., 2009). During the LAMP reaction, the concentration of Mg 2+ ions in the solution decrease significantly, causing the HNB loaded essay to change from purple to blue (Goto et al., 2009). Based on the different action modes of ...
羟基茶酚蓝(hnb)指示染料,可与mg2+形成复合物,为紫罗兰色。在 lamp反应中由于大量焦磷酸盐的形成,焦磷酸盐将 螯 合掉ma2+。使得hnb的颜色变为天蓝色,因此该试剂可作为lamp反应的指示染料,阳性扩增样品为天蓝色,而阴性仍然保持紫罗兰色。
How to use hydroxynaphthol blue (HNB) with RT-LAMP?
I have been trying to detect RTLAMP result with HNB dye. However, even though gel electrophoresis confirms my RTLAMP successful, the HNB dye did not change color. The concentration I use is...
Hydroxynaphthol Blue | 63451-35-4 | AbMole | HNB
hnb是钙的金属指示剂,碱土金属离子、稀土金属离子、铀离子的比色试剂。 HNB易溶于水和乙醇,HNB的水溶液在pH 7-12时呈蓝色,pH >13时呈红色,在pH 10且有钙离子存在时呈粉红色。
LAMP恒温扩增试剂盒(HNB可视染料法) - 北京百奥莱博 ...
本制品是基于lamp技术的通用型恒温扩增试剂盒,用于模板dna扩增。试剂盒配有反应指示剂羟基萘酚蓝(hnb),扩增后可肉眼观察到阳性扩增样品的颜色由紫罗兰色变为天蓝色。 lamp是一种新型核酸扩增技术。
Hydroxy naphthol blue ACS reagent 165660-27-5 - MilliporeSigma
Hydroxy naphthol blue disodium saltare water soluble color-changing at pH 12-13 with calcium ions and deep blue with EDTA. Purchase at Sigma-Aldrich.