Hydroxylamine - Wikipedia
Hydroxylamine (also known as hydroxyammonia) is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula N H 2 O H. The compound exists as hygroscopic colorless crystals. [4] . Hydroxylamine is almost always provided and used as an aqueous solution or more often as one of its salts such as hydroxylammonium sulfate, a water-soluble solid.
用作 黏度调节剂,在浓缩天然 胶乳 中加入干胶量0.15%的盐酸羟胺,能堵塞 橡胶 分子中的 醛基,使之不再与其他橡胶分子的醛基发生 缩合反应,可避免交联导致 门尼黏度 增大的问题产生,获得恒定黏度的胶乳。 也用作 合成橡胶 的短期 终止剂。 1. 吸湿性 强,受潮高于151℃则分解。 在17℃时,100g水中可溶解83.8g。 2.本品有毒,对皮肤有刺激性。 生产设备 应密闭,防止跑、冒、滴、漏,操作人员应穿戴防护用具。 溅及皮肤时,可用大量水冲洗。 1.应贮存在阴凉、通 …
Hydroxylamine | NH2OH | CID 787 - PubChem
Hydroxylamine is the simplest hydroxylamine, consisting of ammonia bearing a hydroxy substituent. It is an intermediate in the biological nitrification by microbes like bacteria.
Theoretical kinetics predictions for NH2 + HO2 - ScienceDirect
2022年2月1日 · In this study high level theoretical kinetics predictions have been obtained for the reaction of NH 2 with HO 2, which has previously been highlighted as an important reaction with high sensitivity and high uncertainty.
(NH2) (HO) (OH) molar mass - Chemical Portal
Enter a chemical formula to calculate its molar mass and elemental composition: Molar mass of (NH2) (HO) (OH) is 50.0373 g/mol
羟胺是一种无机物,化学式为H3NO或NH2OH [3],不稳定的白色大片状或针状结晶。 极易吸潮,极易溶于水。 在热水中分解,微溶于 乙醚 、苯、 二硫化碳 、 氯仿。 熔点32.05℃,沸点70℃(1.33kPa)。 不稳定,室温下吸收水汽和 二氧化碳 时,迅速分解。 加热时猛烈爆炸。 易溶于水、液氮和甲醇。 羟胺对呼吸系统、皮肤、眼部及黏膜具刺激性,吞食有害,为潜在的诱变剂。 不稳定的白色大片状或针状结晶。 极易吸潮,极易溶于水。 当浓度为100%、10%、20% …
Angew:含氮化合物的生物催化脱胺羟基化反应 - 知乎
DNA和RNA通过氨基和羟基之间的氢键相互作用对碱基进行选择性配对,保证了人类基因组的稳定。 相应杂环骨架中-OH和-NH2的互变异构使这类氢键的存在成为可能,其中,-NH2表现为H-给体,而O是H-受体。 由于相似的原子半…
(NH2) (HO) (OH) Molar Mass - ChemicalAid
There are 4 easy steps to find the molar mass of (NH2) (HO) (OH) based on its chemical formula. 1. Count The Number of Each Atom. The first step to finding the molar mass is to count the …
HO+HO=NH2化学学名叫什么? - 百度知道
2013年4月18日 · 氨基化学式是2NH3=NH4++NH2-。 HO+HO=NH2化学学名叫什么? 根据题主字符描述,我猜测为多巴胺结构。
Effect of water and ammonia on the HO + NH3 → NH2
2020年4月15日 · The oxidation of NH 3 to amino radicals (NH 2) via OH is well-known to be of interest both in water-cooled nuclear reactors and atmospheric chemistry [9]. In fact, the HO + NH 3 → NH 2 + H 2 O reaction [10], [11] has a significant role in …