HS-7 - smith-wessonforum.com
2010年7月1日 · HS-7 is a bit slower than HS-6. I use a lot of HS-6 for .38 Special +P loads as well as in the .45 Colt and for some .357 Magnum ammo especially with lead bullets. HS-7 is W571 …
Hodgdon Rant - smith-wessonforum.com
2025年1月12日 · I thumbed through a copy of Hodgdon’s 2025 Reloading Manual hoping to find their recommendations for sub-gauge shot shells. I’m down to my last few pounds of Hodgdon …
.357 loads with HS-7? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2016年9月17日 · My Speer #11 manual lists 11.2 to 12.1 grains of HS-7 with a 158 JHP in .357 with a magnum primer. My buddy bought 8 pounds of HS-7 when it was going obsolete and …
HS-6 in 38 Special? - smith-wessonforum.com
2013年6月2日 · HS-6 does not react well to light loads, it's "happier" up near the top end of the pressure range. Because of that I don't use HS-6 for standard .38 Special load, only for +P …
Hodgdon HS 6 - smith-wessonforum.com
2014年11月23日 · HS-6 works well in the 9mm. I also like it for middle to middle hot .357 Magnum loads, especially with lead bullets. I also use HS-6 for the 45 Colt. The .38 Special and 45 Auto …
Hodgdon HS-6 - smith-wessonforum.com
2015年9月27日 · Hodgdon HS-6. Interested in comments regarding HS-6. I would be using it for target loads for 9mm, .38 ...
Reloading data needed - Smith & Wesson Forum
2014年1月12日 · Have had this powder for quite a while and have no loading data for it..or very little. I have 5 or 6 lbs of Hodgdon HS-5. I was told this was pretty much the same as …
Midrange Load with HS-6 - smith-wessonforum.com
2011年2月8日 · Midrange Load with HS-6 I was looking for a medium power load for the 357 using HS-6 powder and the Hodgdon website shows 6.0-7.0 gr(max) at 15,500 CUP. I don't …
curious about Hodgdon HS-6 - smith-wessonforum.com
2015年9月26日 · How good of a powder is this. I will be using it in .38 special and .45acp. All I've used in these cartridges before was either 231 or unique. With reloading supplies getting …
HS-6 in .40 S&W with 165 lead projectiles - smith-wessonforum.com
2013年4月30日 · 165 GR. BERB FP Hodgdon HS-6 .400" 1.125" 7.4 1027 26,900 PSI 8.1 1108 31,300 PSI 165 GR. SIE JHP Hodgdon HS-6 .400" 1.125" 7.3 1013 28,700 PSI 8.0 1098 …