124s and HS-6 (hodgdon) - 9mm/38 Caliber - Brian Enos's Forums
2014年8月19日 · I just tested HS6 powder today. The result was. H&N 125g HP, 8.5g 30.7mm gave me 173PF. Full size Svi hybrid with 3 popple holes and brazos Thundercomp 2. I …
Hodgdon HP38, CFE pistol and HS6 - Brian Enos's Forums
2022年7月8日 · Which powder do you prefer for 115,124 and 145/147 grain plated and jacketed bullets? Hodgdon HP38, CFE pistol or HS6? I'm aware of the different burning rates and that's …
HS6 - What is it good for? - Brian Enos's Forums
2009年5月13日 · HS6 is the same powder as the discontinued WW540 (HS7 is the same as the discontinued WW570). These powders are made by St. Marks powder and resold by …
Hodgdon HS 6 - smith-wessonforum.com
2014年11月23日 · In the 38 special section Speer shows , for their 158 grain lead semi-wadcutter , HS6 powder, a starting load of 5.4 grains for 828 fps and a max load of 5.8 grains for 899 fps. …
Hodgdon Hs-6 And Hs-7 - General Reloading - Brian Enos's Forums
2005年5月5日 · Okay, I sent an email to Hodgon concerning both HS-6 and Hs-7 and here is Hodgdon's reply--- Help Account <[email protected]> wrote: > Subject: RE: HS-6 and HS-7 > …
Hodgdon Burn Rate Chart (HS6, AC, CFE) - Brian Enos's Forums
2019年1月18日 · I spoke with Chris Hodgdon recently about this. He told me that the burn rate charts ARE correct. He said that HS6 was developed in the 1960's and is much older …
540 vs HS6 - 9mm/38 Caliber - Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!
2016年1月12日 · HS6 is simply the label Hodgdon put on their cans of Winchester 540. They have always been the exact same powder, just like 231/HP38. Just as HS-7 was the same as …
Looking For help with a 38SC load using HS6 Powder.
2015年12月5日 · Can't help you with load data for 38 super and hs6. It works well for me in 9. 38 I like 3n38 and N105. I'll be working on a load for 38 super as u can't feel a difference in the 2 in …
Hodgdon HS-6? Small pistol vs Small Rifle? - Brian Enos's Forums
2013年1月3日 · I do know 231 and TG is better than HS6 from a cost stand point. You'll use more HS6 than 231 or TG to reach a target velocity. Recoil for 231 and TG in minor power factor …
9mm major load data with hs6 - Brian Enos's Forums
124gr MTG CMJ 8.3gr HS6 set 1.165 @173 pf. Suggest start load at 7.8gr then work up. 115gr ZERO FMJ 8.8gr HS6 set 1.165 @165.335 pf. Above are from STI 4.13" barrel, no holes …