Holdowns - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
High capacity holdown. Connects to post with wood screws. Reference Series: HDQ series, HDU series, HHDQ series
holdown to foundation with anchor bolt of specified diameter. • A design professional shall specify the type, length, and embedment depth of the anchor bolt.
DTB-TZ is a light capacity holdown for single 2x installations. Materials: See chart Finish: G90 galvanizing; DTB-TZ – G-185 galvanizing Codes: IBC, FL, LA Installation: • Use all specified fasteners. See Product Notes, page 18. • Place the PHD over the anchor bolt, no washer is required. Washer is required on DTB installations.
PHD8 - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
DTB-TZ is a light capacity holdown for single 2x installations. Materials: PHDA & DTB models – 14 gauge; PHD8 – 12 gauge Finish: G90 galvanizing; DTB-TZ – G-185 galvanizing
70 MiTk ® SP ® roduc atalog Copyrigh 020 iTe ndustries nc l ights eserved Holdowns Holdowns HTT Tension Ties Secures multi-ply studs or posts to mudsills or foundation. Nail fastening makes for a convenient connection to studs or posts in
UPHD SERIES - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
Place holdown over anchor bolt and drive screws into post. Tighten anchor bolt nuts finger tight to base plus 1/3 to 1/2 additional turns with a wrench. Holdown may be installed off of the plate with no load reduction.
TD SERIES - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
Holdown fasteners specified shall not be considered to attach multiple plies together. Self-jigging models are designed to provide the required minimum end distance of 7 bolt diameters from the bottom of the stud or post to the centerline of the first bolt hole.
S/PHD SERIES - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
Holdown fasteners specified shall not be considered to attach multiple CFS members together. For anchorage options see STBL Anchor Bolt series or ATR threaded rod series products epoxied into place at required depth.
HTT SERIES - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
Use all specified fasteners to attach the strap portion of the connector to the side of stud, post, joist, purlin, or beam. Secure the base to the concrete or masonry wall with specified anchor bolt.
TDS SERIES - MiTek Residential Construction Industry
Install anchor bolt nut to base of holdown until finger tight, then tighten an additional 1/3 to 1/2 turns with a wrench. Need Help or Have a Question? Contact Customer Service or Call 800-328-5934