honda_rvf (u/honda_rvf) - Reddit
2018年3月16日 · 行動抑制の長期化による高ストレス下。免疫獲得するまでに効果期間の終了問題。2度目以降の接種で副反応が同一確率かどうか。免疫に対する更なる変異体出現。回復の目途が立たない病気で病床占拠。あと数年続けば世界が動くかもしれない?w 1 Reply r/Futtkou • 日本の流行と理由、終息 ...
A rare sight - Mick Doohan on a Honda RC45 in the Japanese
2020年12月9日 · In 1998, Mick Doohan, together with other Honda riders from both MotoGP/GP500 and WSBK, participated in the All-Japan National Championship race at Sugo (as a promotion for Honda and the "year of sport" in Japan). He finished third, behind Tadayuki Okada and Aaron Slight. I found an article about this event in the Cycle World Magazine, January 1999, page 80: https://books.google.cz/books?id ...
Anyone know anything about the RVF400? : r/Honda - Reddit
2024年5月26日 · Anyone know anything about the RVF400? My friends getting rid his bike which has been in the garage for 2-3 years, started before although now doesnt possibly due to dead battery although here are photos let me know what you all think its worth please thank you. Has 49,000km. 1 Add a Comment
[Question] USB/AUX options for 2005 Honda Accord : r/Honda
2016年7月8日 · [Question] USB/AUX options for 2005 Honda Accord Hey r/Honda, I'm inheriting a 2005 Accord and I'd like to install a powered usb cable to play music and charge my iPhone through. I figured I'd be looking for a female USB port as that would allow for future phone model changes. (Not to mention the lightning connector on the current iPhones wasn't around when these Hondas were made so a 3rd ...
RVF-400 The bike im thinking of getting for my first bike ... - Reddit
2013年3月14日 · I did a bit of research into them because I was considering one for a while, and depending on which one you get (Honda RVF 400, Kawasaki's ZXR400, Yamaha FZR 400) parts are a bitch to get hold of, at least in the UK.
Honda RVF400 NC35 Tyga. Beautiful.. : r/motorcycles - Reddit
2013年2月27日 · An NC35/NC30/NC24 is the next bike on my list to buy. Only wish they weren't so hard to find in the States. Been thinking about buying one in Japan and doing a grey import just to get one. 7 Reply jerrymee • 10 yr. ago
For Sale - Monster 2016 821/1200 Parts | Ducati Forum
2024年12月29日 · For Sale Monster 2016 821/1200 Parts Discussion in ' Parts, Accessories & Clothing For Sale ' started by VtwinDave, Dec 29, 2024.
CRV 2022 MIRRORS? : r/Honda - Reddit
2022年5月20日 · Hi guys, my father bought a 2022 crv yesterday and we cannot figure out if the mirrors automatically fold in, does anyone know if they do? Thanks
My first bike, my 1983 Honda VF750 interceptor : r/motorcycle
The issue was pretty severe, and resulted from poor surface hardening treatments on the part of Honda's supplier. However, the issue was also not consistent across the 1983 model year, and the majority of bikes never experienced trouble.
Recently picked up a 1969 Honda PC 50 and need some advice
2012年4月5日 · Hi mopeders. I've recently picked up an old PC50 and it's not in great shape but it does run. It needs a lot of new parts like exhaust, headlight…