Honda RC213V - Wikipedia
The Honda RC213V is a Japanese motorcycle developed for road racing by Honda Racing Corporation to compete in the MotoGP series from the 2012 season and onwards. Rules for 2012 allowed motorcycles up to 1,000 cc (61 cu in) in capacity, with a limit of 4 cylinders and a maximum 81mm cylinder bore.
RC213V - Honda Racing Corporation
With a capacity of 1000cc and achieving top speeds of over 360 km/h, the V4 four-stroke engine of the 2025 Honda RC213V is a formidable piece of engineering. Exploiting the maximum power possible, it must be durable enough to survive the demands of a full MotoGP season.
台積6靠邊站、年終40個月都買不起!HONDA RC213V-S 683萬刷新日本車拍賣紀錄 …
2022年1月6日 · 面對honda 推出的gp廠車市售版rc213v-s,要不心動很難,但行動更難,除了超昂貴的價格外,有限的數量也讓公司早早宣布完售。 但最近有國外廠商推出一套給MSX125 用的RC213V 外觀套件,做工精緻,裝上去幾乎認不出來是小車...
Marquez与RC213V继续主宰了2014赛季,自揭幕站起一连斩获12场大奖赛的胜利,让Honda以18战14胜的佳绩卫冕三冠王,重写了包括赛季总获胜数在内的WGP纪录。 2016年,MotoGP组别规则再度发生重大变化,引入了限制发动机数量、使用统规ECU(发动机控制单元)软件。
HONDA RC213V-S (2015-on) Review | Speed, Specs & Prices - Motorcycle News
2023年9月4日 · The long-awaited Honda RC213V-S superbike really is a MotoGP bike with lights and as close to the real thing as is practical and affordable. It’s tiny, like an NC30, and floats effortlessly ...
RC213V | Honda Technology | Honda - Honda Global
Not only for its production bikes, but for the RC213V MotoGP machine. What is the ultimate in “ease of riding” Honda upholds and pursue s, and what is its future? Former Honda factory rider Hikaru Miyagi rides the RC213V and shares his views with its development leader, Shin Sato.
【國內快訊】Honda傳奇名駒RC213V-S全台經銷據點巡迴展出開 …
2023年10月18日 · 於2014年米蘭車展發表的RC213V-S,是一台以MotoGP Honda廠隊廠車RC213V為藍本打造的市售車款,尾綴的S即為Street之意,雖為市售車但卻與廠車RC213V有著高達80%的零件完全共用,就連引擎搭載的都是使用相同基礎的999.9 c.c. V型四缸引擎,銷售數量也是相當稀有,全球僅200 ...
Honda RC213V 2024 specs, lap times, performance data
2024 Honda RC213V specs, lap times, performance data, engine specifications, pictures, updated November 2024.
Machine: RC213V 2014 - Honda Racing Corporation
We adopted 4 cylinder “V” engine with 1,000 capacity to RC213V which can exploit maximum power of 1,000cc keeping duration for 18 races in season with 5 engines. We have reviewed all the details of the new engine, making it lighter and reducing friction.
Honda RC213V-S | MotoGP Super Sport Motorbike | Honda UK
RC213V-S has been developed according to the Honda principle, making it possible for the RC213V, to run on public roads. RC213V-S has inherited the specifications of RC213V to thoroughly ensure mass concentration, reduced friction, use light weight materials as well as precise machining of the components and expert skills required in manufacturing.