K-Pro - Hondata
The K-Series Programmable ECU (K-Pro) consists of a hardware modification to any K-Series ECU, plus Windows software which allows you to re-program the ECU and datalog sensors.
KManager - Hondata
KManager is Windows software which allows re-programming and datalogging from the K-Series Programmable ECU.
KPro - Hondata
The K-Series Programmable ECU (K-Pro) consists of a hardware modification to any K-Series ECU, plus Windows software which allows you to re-program the ECU and datalog sensors. …
KPro4 - Hondata
2015年2月11日 · The KPro4 consists of a hardware modification to certain K-Series ECUs, plus Windows software which allows you to re-program the ECU and datalog sensors. Watch the …
Software - Hondata
2025年1月16日 · Software Computers running ARM-based processors are not supported ('Windows on ARM'), including ARM based Macs using Parallels. Note that you should never …
Hondata K-Series Programmable ECU Help
This help covers the KPro and KManager software. KManager edits calibrations and datalogs for the Hondata K-Series Programmable ECU. Introduction Introduction to the K-Series …
Hondata: Honda/Acura Engine Management Solutions
Hondata releases FlashPro for the 2022 1.5 Turbo Civic. A 34 hp and 50 lb torque increase over stock
Search - kpro - Hondata
KPro The K-Series Programmable ECU (K-Pro) consists of a hardware modification to any K-Series ECU, plus Windows software which allows you to re-program the ECU and datalog …
K-Pro III - hondata.com
The fourth generation Hondata K-Pro ships on 8 December 2014. The KPro4 consists of a hardware modification to certain K-Series ECUs, plus Windows software which allows you to …
KPro 3 - Hondata
Now Discontinued The third generation Hondata K-Pro shipped from mid September 2011 to November 2014. KPro III Enhancements Twice the on board datalogging memory Without …