Are Honor Killings Simply Domestic Violence? - Middle East Forum
2009年3月1日 · Families that kill for honor will threaten girls and women if they refuse to cover their hair, their faces, or their bodies or act as their family’s domestic servant; wear makeup or Western clothing; choose friends from another religion; date; seek to obtain an advanced education; refuse an arranged marriage; seek a divorce from a violent husband; marry against their parents’ wishes; or ...
Worldwide Trends in Honor Killings - Middle East Forum
2010年3月1日 · In 2004, at a meeting in The Hague about the rising tide of honor killings in Europe, law enforcement officers from the U.K. announced plans to begin reopening old cases to see if certain murders were, indeed, honor murders. The number of honor killings is routinely underestimated, and most estimates are little more than guesses that vary widely.
Hindu vs. Muslim Honor Killings - Middle East Forum
2010年12月20日 · The Indian honor killings took place between 2001 and 2011; those in Pakistan between 1999 and 2011. The Pakistani honor killings in the West took place between 1998 and 2009. The National Post (Toronto), Dec. 12, 2007. “ ‘Honour’ Killings on the Rise in Tamil Nadu,” Stop Honour Killings, London, Sept. 16, 2010.
Czy morderstwa dla honoru to po prostu przemoc domowa?
2009年3月1日 · Wikan, The Honor Culture. Daniel Pipes Which Has More Islamist Terrorism, Europe Or America?, “The Jerusalem Post”, 3 lipca 2008. Combating Patriarchal Violence Against Women – Focusing on Violence In the Name of Honor, The Swedish Ministry of Justice and The Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 7-8 grudnia 2004, s. 51.
Dad’s Arrest Exposes Support Network Behind Alleged Honor Killers
2020年9月11日 · Yaser Abdel Said, accused of honor killing his two teenage daughters, Amina and Sarah, escaped arrest for 12 years with alleged help from sympathetic relatives. The FBI-led Dallas Violent Crimes Task Force captured Yaser Abdel Said Aug. 26, 12 years after he allegedly murdered his two teenage daughters in 2008.
Phyllis Chesler - Middle East Forum
2024年5月1日 · An analyst of gender issues in the Middle East, a psychotherapist and a feminist, Phyllis Chesler co-founded the Association for Women in Psychology in 1969, the National Women's Health Network in 1975, and is emerita professor of psychology at The City University of New York. She has published 15…
"Celebrating" Orientalism - Middle East Forum
2016年10月28日 · Hence, honor-shame cultures have immense difficulty tolerating freedom of speech, of religion, of press, and an equally hard time dealing with societies that do. In self-help justice cultures, this insistence on honor can mean killing someone who killed a relative, and in Japanese culture, honor can mean killing oneself.
"Honor" Murders – Why the Perps Get off Easy - Middle East Forum
1994年5月31日 · Two Types of Honor. Understanding the nature of these crimes requires a short review of the notion of honor in traditional Arab society, where a distinction is made between two kinds of honor: sharaf and ‘ird. 4 Sharaf relates to the honor of a social unit, such as the Arab tribe or family, as well as individuals, and it can fluctuate up or ...
The Said Honor Murders: Indict the Mother - Middle East Forum
2012年7月15日 · The honor killing of Amina and Sarah Said on January 1, 2008 is emblematic of the government's and media establishment's indifference to the plight of all too many Muslim women and girls in the United States today.
Mosque Founder Says Muslims Should Pray for West’s …
2022年9月14日 · Non-Muslims, he said, should be embraced as allies if they join the call on Allah to destroy those “who do not love the honor of Islam.” He often refers to the U.S. as “AmeriKKKa” and condemns patriotic Muslims who oppose the Islamist ideology and calls to jihad. He raged in 2010 against “pacifist ‘imams’ who deny the obligation ...