Hostun - Wikipedia
Hostun (French pronunciation:; Occitan: Ostun) is a commune in the Drôme department in southeastern France.
摘 要:采用理想颗粒材料(DEM理想球体)、人工颗粒材料(玻璃球)和天然颗粒材料(Hostun砂),通过数值和 室内常规三轴排水试验研究了颗粒材料级配对其应力–应变响应和临界状态的影响规律。
Interpretation of small and intermediate strain characteristics of ...
2018年12月1日 · The effect of the anisotropic stress state on the small and intermediate strain properties of dry Hostun Sand along three different stress paths was determined. In the case of Stress path I, the horizontal stress, σ 3 ′, was constant and the vertical stress, σ 1 ′, increased.
Critical State–Based Interpretation of the Monotonic Behavior of Hostun …
A series of bender element tests and drained and undrained monotonic triaxial compression and extension tests were performed on air-pluviated samples of Hostun sand. Samples were prepared to different initial void ratios, consolidated under various isotropic and anisotropic stress states, and sheared using different stress paths and a wide ...
Assessment of the loading waveform on the cyclic liquefaction ...
2021年11月1日 · This paper was aimed at highlighting the impact of loading waveforms on the cyclic liquefaction resistance of sand. The test specimens were reclaimed by the dry tamping method with Hostun 31 sand, and the density of sand matrix was controlled to be 0.70.
Hostun RF砂的最小不排水强度,Géotechnique - X-MOL
Hostun RF 砂在稳态下的最小不排水强度受峰值归一化平均有效应力和初始单调固结结束时的空隙率的强烈影响。 本文扩展了先前框架的范围,适用于经历初始单调固结历史的
Changing anisotropy of G0 in Hostun sand during drained monotonic …
2015年10月1日 · The inherent and stress-induced anisotropy of saturated Hostun sand has been examined by means of shear wave velocity measurements under drained monotonic and cyclic triaxial conditions. Tests were carried out on samples prepared by moist tamping for a wide range of initial densities in a fully instrumented stress-path triaxial apparatus ...
Hostun砂是岩土工程研究中实验室试验中广泛使用的标准砂。 然而,温度对其强度和变形行为的影响尚未得到很好的理解。 本研究旨在探讨温度对玉簪砂抗剪强度和时变性的影响。
Minimum undrained strength of Hostun RF sand | Géotechnique
2015年5月25日 · The minimum undrained strength of Hostun RF sand at steady state is strongly influenced by the normalized mean effective stress at peak, and by the void ratio at the end of the initial monotonic consolidation.