House Tarly - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
House Tarly of Horn Hill is a noble house of the Reach, one of the strongest sworn to House Tyrell.[1] Horn Hill is located in the foothills of the Red Mountains. Their sigil is the striding huntsman on green.[2][3] Their motto is not revealed in the books, but according to semi-canon sources it is "First in Battle".[4]
Horn Hill - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Horn Hill is the seat of House Tarly in the Reach. Located on an eponymous hill, the castle lies south of Highgarden and a hundred leagues northeast of Oldtown among the thickly-wooded foothills[2] of the Red Mountains.[3] The Tarlys are marcher lords of the Dornish Marches.[4]
Randyll Tarly - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Randyll Tarly is Lord of Horn Hill and head of House Tarly. He is married to Lady Melessa Florent, and is the father of the POV character Samwell Tarly. Randyll wields the Tarly ancestral blade Heartsbane, a Valyrian steel greatsword, in battle. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, Randyll is portrayed by James Faulkner.
Alan Tarly - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Alan Tarly was the Lord of Horn Hill and the head of House Tarly during the Dance of the Dragons. He and Alan Beesbury are remembered as the Two Alans. History. Alan supported Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen and the blacks.
Samwell Tarly - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Samwell Tarly is the eldest son of Lord Randyll Tarly and his wife, Lady Melessa Florent. A recruit of the Night's Watch originally from House Tarly, he is popularly called Sam. He becomes a POV character in A Storm of Swords. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, Samwell is portrayed by John Bradley.
Samantha Tarly - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Samantha Tarly, known as Lady Sam, was a member of House Tarly who wed first Lord Ormund Hightower and later his son, Lord Lyonel Hightower.
Samwell Tarly (lord) - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Samwell Tarly, known as Savage Sam, was the Lord of Horn Hill and head of House Tarly during the reign of King Aenys I Targaryen. History. When the Vulture King began raiding the Dornish Marches in 37 AC, Lord Orys Baratheon was joined by marcher lords in the Second Dornish War.
Battle of the Honeywine - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Given that Aegon II Targaryen's main supporters were House Hightower, the family of his mother Alicent, the greens assumed the lords and lands of the Reach would side with them. Instead, many of the major lords from the north and east of the Reach declared for Rhaenyra Targaryen and her blacks, including Houses Caswell, Rowan, and Tarly.
Lord of Horn Hill - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Lord Alan Tarly declared for Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and the blacks during the Dance of the Dragons, fighting and being taken captive in the battle on the Honeywine. [7] During Robert's Rebellion , Lord Randyll Tarly commanded the vanguard of the Reach at the Battle of Ashford , where he killed Lord Cafferen and forced Lord Robert Baratheon ...
Melessa Florent - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Melessa Florent is a noblewoman of House Florent, the middle child and eldest daughter of Lord Alester Florent of Brightwater. She is married to Lord Randyll Tarly and the mother of Samwell, Talla, and Dickon Tarly, as well as two other daughters. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, Melessa is portrayed by Samantha Spiro.