Labour's Keir Starmer is the UK's new Prime Minister
2024年7月5日 · Alternatively, an over-60’s Oyster Card (UK travel card) will do, but not an Oyster Card for anyone younger. Student cards are not valid ID. and apparently veterans ids were not valid, which seems insane. according to the internet however “if you are living in northern ireland and have the war disablement smartpass” that’s okay.
Friday Freak-Out: The Moody Blues' "Ride My See Saw" (1968)
2024年8月9日 · It does sound great! 1 Like. stinkinbadgers August 10, 2024, 2:05am 8. I love it when this happens! ...
Trump campaign secretly profiled Trump shooter's father in 2016 …
2024年7月16日 · One report said that the gun used was one of 20 owned by the shooter’s father, so he does sound like a likely true believer. Another report said that the father was actually a registered Libertarian rather than a Republican, but then the libertarians all seem to be eagerly in favor of the coming autocracy because of course they are.
Two charged with chopping down famous tree in England
2024年5月1日 · I can’t imagine there’s ever just been a hoard of tourists wandering aimlessly through the fields. Furthermore, it’s not like it’s rich agricultural land and people are trampling valuable crops - it’s sheep-farming upland. It does sound typical of a certain kind of farmer though.
RFK Jr presents a strong case against RFK Jr - Boing Boing BBS
2024年5月4日 · The problem is that he actually does sound ridiculous (and I don’t mean his voice, I mean the things he says sound ridiculous), and any reasonable person who has listened to him for more than a few minutes sees that, and so the criticisms don’t sound ridiculous. A couple of them are mean.
Teacher devises an ingenious way to check if students are using …
2024年3月30日 · I’m sorry, but that’s not true at all. It’s pretty easy to check too. Even if we ask it some bog-standard English class essay, I dunno, “How does Huckleberry Finn develop morally throughout the book,” ChatGPT isn’t going to produce all obviously plagiarized answer. Not in the way that a plagiarism detector can detect.
Fox News switches away from evasive, dishonest JD Vance
2024年10月2日 · Originally published at: Fox News switches away from evasive, dishonest JD Vance - Boing Boing …
Sports Illustrated deletes articles by fake AI writers after exposé
2023年11月28日 · So does this mean we’re back to the days of content farms as a business model? you’ll need a dedicated space to practice and a full-sized volleyball. However, finding a good volleyball can be tough. Wow, this is so obviously dumb AI writing. It’s like no one even looked at it before they hit “publish”.
Cops use drug-sniffing dogs to detect abortion pills - boing
2024年10月17日 · That does sound like it’s within the USPS mandate, but I wonder what they’ll do when they open a package with US-sourced pills, possibly with a prescription? 2 Likes Shuck October 18, 2024, 11:33pm
FDA denies approval of MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD - boing
2024年8月9日 · This is really disappointing. As there are millions in great need of a positive therapy. And the reason(s) this isn’t going ahead seem to be a strange mixture of definitions of what’s being approved (“a drug” or “a therapy” …utilizing a drug), and a lack of expertise on the FDA board about the clinical effects of psilocybin based therapies.