Howl - Official PlayStation™Store US
Howl is a turn-based puzzle/tactical folktale set in the Middle Ages, where a mysterious "howling plague" ravages the land. Any who hear the beasts’ howls turn into feral, hungering beasts themselves – further spreading the curse through their own howls. Play as a daring combat Prophet with the ability to foretell your enemies’ moves.
Howl - PlayStation
2024年1月22日 · Howl is a turn-based tactical folktale set in medieval times. A sinister "howling plague" has ravaged the land, turning all who hear it into feral beasts. You play a deaf heroine plunging into danger in search of a cure. Plan up to six steps in advance to outmaneuver your opponents: wolfish creatures filled with hunger and rage.
Howl (日语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) - PlayStation
2024年1月22日 · 《Howl》的视觉效果是通过“活灵活现的绘画”所描绘的,是一种流动的艺术风格,让玩家一边游玩一边绘画自己的故事。 在由晦涩却神奇的地点组成的黑暗童话世界中开辟道路,通过战斗和描绘来消除瘟疫。 购买或使用本产品需遵从SEN服务条款及使用协议。 以上资料如有任何修改,恕不另行通知。 此游戏/内容可能不会在某些国家或地区或以某些语言提供。 © 2023 astragon Entertainment GmbH. © 2023 Mi'pu'mi Games GmbH. Licensed by astragon …
Howl - Official PlayStation™Store US
Howl is a turn-based tactical folktale set in medieval times. A sinister "howling plague" has ravaged the land, turning all who hear it into feral beasts. You play a deaf heroine plunging into danger in search of a cure. Plan up to six steps in advance to outmaneuver your opponents: wolfish creatures filled with hunger and rage.
Howl PS5, Xbox Series X Release Date, Gameplay, Story, Trailers
2024年1月21日 · Here is everything you need to know about the details around Howl, including its release date, gameplay, story, and trailers. Howl Release Trailer. For the PS5 and the Xbox Series X, Howl...
Mi'pu'mi Games - Howl
Howl is now available for Nintendo Switch™ and PC via Steam. Furthermore Howl will be released on PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S and Epic Games Store on January 23, 2024 and can already be pre-ordered digitally.
PS5|《Howl》免费更新章节「Heart of Rot」官方宣传视频
简介:展开前往首都的支线剧情,在受到狼嚎野兽肆虐的世界,这座城市长;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 1878、弹幕量 0、点赞数 208、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 7、转发人数 1, 视频作者 PlayStation, 作者简介 这里有好玩的游戏情报|产品简介|社区福利 让我们一起Play Has No Limits!玩无极限! *游戏资讯仅供参考,请以各地区实际情况,相关视频:【IGN】《光与 …
Howl - Release Trailer | PS5 Games - YouTube
2024年1月23日 · https://store.playstation.com/en-us/p... Howl is a turn-based tactical folktale set in medieval times. A sinister "howling plague" has r...more
Howl Review (PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, & PC)
2024年2月1日 · Explore our Howl review, where we delve into its captivating storytelling, helping you decide whether it's worth your purchase.
Howl (PS5) Game | PlayStation Fanatic
Howl is a turn-based, tactical as a deaf prophetess to survive in a world afflicted by an acoustic plague that turns people into wolves. Every step must be well planned ahead to outmanoeuvre the adversaries. Howl’s graphics are created using “Living Ink”, a fluid, dynamic watercolour art style that illustrates the story as you play.