Sans - Undertale Wiki | Fandom
Sans (/sænz/ [2]) is the older [1] brother of Papyrus and a major character in Undertale. He first appears in Snowdin Forest after the protagonist exits the Ruins. Sans is the deuteragonist of the Neutral and True Pacifist routes, in which he keeps an …
Bad Time Simulator (Sans Fight)
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Sans | Undertale Wiki | Fandom
Sans (/sænz/)是 Papyrus 的哥哥、 Undertale 的主要角色。 他初登场于主角穿越 废墟 出口后的 森林。 在 中立 及 完美 路线担任辅助角色,在 屠杀路线 作为最终头目及英雄般的劲敌登场。 他的名字是源自于" comic sans "字体,而他说话时对话框也是使用这种字体。 这是源于一部网络漫画 Helvetica,其中也有一名骷髅用字体命名,在游戏制作名单的"特别启发"这栏有提到该漫画的作者J.N. Wiedle。 Sans是个带着大眼窝、整齐牙齿并带着浅浅微笑的矮骷髅头。 他穿着拉开的蓝 …
Sans (Undertale) - Wikipedia
Sans is a character in the 2015 video game Undertale. He is the brother of Papyrus and initially appears as a friendly NPC with an easy-going, laid-back personality. Sans is also featured in the 2018 video game Deltarune, where he can only be
Sans/In Battle | Undertale Wiki | Fandom
Sans is the final boss of the Genocide Route and his boss fight is the most difficult in the game. Similar to the Neutral and Pacifist routes, he waits for the protagonist at the Last Corridor. However, he skips LOVE judgement, apologizes to Toriel, [1] and begins an encounter.
Sans - Undertale Wiki
Sans excels in combat and fights with unique abilities that include: Karmic Retribution, changing the effect of gravity on the SOUL, and attacking the protagonist in the selection menus. His magic reacts to EXP; Karmic Retribution would presumably be weaker if the protagonist had little EXP.
Sans - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Sans (常用译名: 杉斯 / 衫斯)是由 Toby Fox 所创作的游戏《UNDERTALE》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 Sans首次登场于雪镇外面的森林里,兔子店长曾说Sans和Papyrus在某天突然出现在雪镇。 他是 Papyrus 的哥哥。 与Papy不同,Sans表示他对抓捕人类毫无兴趣。 说话时的字体一般为全小写的comic sans字体。 在屠杀线开战前对Frisk说的最后一句话(Should be burning in hell)和最后的打呼噜的声音(Zzz)为Aster字体。 矮小而又爱讲冷笑话玩笑的懒 骨头 馒头 …
How to Beat Sans in Undertale: Step-by-Step Boss Guide - wikiHow
2024年10月6日 · While Sans has only 1 health, 1 defense, and 1 attack strength, he is still one of the most difficult bosses in gaming. Read on to find out how to beat Sans in Undertale. Equip yourself with Cloudy Glasses and Torn Notebook to reduce damage taken. Memorize his moves so you can avoid damage and deal your own.
Sans Undertale lore, boss fight, age, and more - Pocket Tactics
2024年10月18日 · How old is Sans in Undertale? Like many other Undertale characters, Sans’ age is really up to individual player interpretation. Some have Sans as young as his early 20s, while others assume that the skeletal character is at least 100 years old, but without a definite timeline, and with no skin on Sans to age his complexion, it’s impossible ...
Howl by Claparo-Sans on DeviantArt
2016年7月9日 · Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad.