Hox transcription factors and their elusive mammalian gene …
2006年5月24日 · In order to better understand Hox transcriptional specificity, we examined the identified Hox binding motifs of the mammalian targets in an effort to characterise base pair selections outside...
关于Hox genes:从果蝇说起 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
homeobox genes的子集——HOX genes(只在动物中发现)复制后成为HOX clusters. HOX gene 突变后产生homeotic mutations,影响动物形态发育. 同源异型基因(英语:homeotic genes)是生物体中一类专门调控生物形体的基因,一旦这些基因发生突变,就会使身体的一部分变形。其 ...
The human HOXA9 protein uses paralog-specific residues of …
2019年4月5日 · Here we dissected TALE interaction properties of the human posterior HOXA9 protein, which is characterized by the presence of a divergent HX motif when compared to HOX proteins of anterior and...
Multimodal Hox5 activity generates motor neuron diversity - Nature
2024年9月17日 · Hox proteins bind DNA through their homeodomain, a 60 amino acid domain that recognizes a short TA-rich DNA motif. Homeobox domains are highly similar among different Hox proteins and do not...
HOX family transcription factors: Related signaling pathways …
2020年2月1日 · HOX family transcription factors play key roles in numerous cellular processes including cell growth, differentiation, apoptosis, motility, and angiogenesis. As tumor promoters or suppressors HOX family members have been reported to be closely related with a …
Variable motif utilization in homeotic selector (Hox)–cofactor …
Homeotic selector (Hox) proteins often bind DNA cooperatively with cofactors such as Extradenticle (Exd) and Homothorax (Hth) to achieve functional specificity in vivo. Previous studies identified the Hox YPWM motif as an important Exd interaction ...
The Hox protein conundrum: The “specifics” of DNA binding for Hox ...
Many HOX proteins contain a conserved hexapeptide motif containing tyrosine (Y)-proline (P)-tryptophan (W)-methionine (M) in series (YPWM). The importance of this motif varies in different HOX proteins and contexts (Mann et al., 2009). HOXA1 and DFD require the YPWM motif for interaction with EXD/PBX (Green et al., 1998; Joshi et al., 2010).
HOX paralogs selectively convert binding of ubiquitous ... - PLOS
2020年12月14日 · We identify three main determinants of HOX paralog-selective binding: recognition of unique variants of the HOX-PBX motif, differential affinity at shared HOX-PBX motifs and, additionally, contribution of tissue-specific transcription factors.
Human HOX Proteins Use Diverse and Context-Dependent
2018年3月13日 · Here, we present a systematic analysis of HOX/PBX/MEIS interaction properties, scanning all paralog groups with human and mouse HOX proteins in vitro and in live cells.
Residues Flanking the HOX YPWM Motif Contribute to …
1997年7月25日 · Previously, we have shown that HOXD4 and PBX1A cooperatively bind DNA through a motif present in HOX proteins called the pentapeptide or YPWM motif (17). This YPWM motif is a key region for mediating interactions with PBX, since mutating residues WM to AA is sufficient to prevent the formation of a HOX·PBX cooperative complex ( 17 ).