HP-12C - Wikipedia
The HP-12C is a financial calculator made by Hewlett-Packard (HP) and its successor HP Inc. as part of the HP Voyager series, introduced in 1981. It is HP's longest and best-selling product and is considered the de facto standard among financial professionals.
HP 12C English Calculator
A time-tested performer, the HP 12C has an easy-to-use layout, one-line LCD display and efficient RPN data entry. Easily calculate loan payments, interest rates and conversions, standard deviation, percent, TVM, NPV, IRR, cash flows, bonds and more. Over 120 built in functions. Ideal for real estate, finance, accounting, economics and business ...
HP 12C Financial Calculator - Black/Gold - amazon.com
2008年7月19日 · Buy HP 12C Financial Calculator - Black/Gold: Financial & Business - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases
HP-12C - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
HP-12C 是 HP 最长、最畅销的计算器。 尽管随后出现了许多更新的型号,但该型号的功能越来越多,但仍然畅销。 事实上,EduCALC 目录对 HP 17BII(粗体)说:“它比 HP 12C 快 15 倍,显示的信息量是其 4 倍以上。 ” 对于 HP 19BII:“它比 HP 12C 快 15 倍,显示的信息量是其 9 倍以上。 ” 此外,两款较新的计算器都可以通过红外线打印到紧凑型打印机,具有更多内存、通用求解器、菜单等。 为什么它能继续畅销? 这里有一些理论: 1 它是一个纯粹的 RPN 计算器,没有混 …
HP-12C - 计算器百科 - calcwiki.org
HP-12C是惠普的一款可编程金融计算器,同时也是HP-Voyager系列计算器中的一款。 脚本错误:没有“Infobox”这个模块。 HP-12C有着很多常用的金融功能,包括债券价格和到期收益,现金流量分析等。 同时,HP-12C也具有标准差,平均值,线性回归等统计功能。 相对于大多数可编程计算器使用的程序输入方式,HP-12C的程序更类似于“宏”。 使用时,先进入编程模式,随后通过按键输入计算步骤。 像if等逻辑判断命令也可以使用在“宏”中。 程序输入完毕后,“宏”会在计算 …
The HP-12C is HP's longest and bestselling calculator. Though it has been followed by many newer models, with both more and less features this model continues to sell well. In fact, an EduCALC catalog says of the HP 17BII (in bold type): "It's 15 times faster than the HP 12C, and displays more than 4 times as much information."
HP-12C programmable financial calculator, 1981
The HP-12C has become the standard business calculator. It is still sold today. A financial model, the HP-12C provides basic business functions including depreciation and date arithmetic.
HP 12C Financial Calculator - hpcalc.org
The HP 12C is the world's best-selling, longest-lasting financial calculator. It is aimed at students and professionals in real estate, finance, accounting, and business. The 12C is the tried-and-true choice, used by millions of professionals around the world.
The HP-12C Business Calculator was introduced with the HP-11C on September 1st, 1981. The HP-12C and the slightly revised Platinum version are still on sale today. It is by far HP's most successful and best selling calculator.
Web HP-12C emulator - EPx
Web-based HP-12C emulator