HP38, doesn't seem to be very popular? - Brian Enos's Forums
Sep 11, 2009 · HP38 is not super sensitive, just more sensitive to temperature changes than some other, newer powders. Pressures and velocities rise and fall with temperature, but if you stay within listed reloading data, you won't have problems since that's taken account of …
HP38 and 9mm - 9mm/38 Caliber - Brian Enos's Forums... Maku …
Aug 16, 2019 · This with mostly 147 grain low power factor stuff (130ish PF) I shoot mostly in pistols but have just recently bought a PCC. I see most people don’t run the HP38. What advantages are there to running a different powder. I bought HP38 because it was around the cheapest , seems to meter well, and isn’t dirty but have nothing to compare it to.
9mm Steel Challenge loads with HP38 - Brian Enos's Forums
Nov 28, 2023 · First I have many 8# jugs of HP38 and am trying to be economical before buying more powder. I am looking to make very light loads for Steel Challenge PCC, 115gr FMJ / 115gr Blue Bullet or 125gr Blue Bullet. All the reloading manuals I have, start with 115gr bullet and 4.5gr HP38. I dialed it down to 4.0gr of HP38 with both 115gr bullets.
HP-38 and 9mm - Ruger Forum
Sep 7, 2015 · When I use W231 (aka: HP38) powder in the 9mm, I've gotten the best results from a max charge for the bullet weight (115-124 gr). I have used AA #7 and Herco and gotten better velocities than W231, with very good accuracy to boot. I have some Power Pistol to try with 230 gr bullets in my .45 ACP.
WW231 = HP-38? - 9mm/38 Caliber - Brian Enos's Forums... Maku …
Jan 25, 2010 · Hodgdon and Winchester share the same powder from St Marks in Florida. HP38 and W231 are the exact same powder, called SMP #231. H414 is also the same exact powder as W760, called SMP #760. W296 and H110 are also the same exact powder, known as SMP #296.
HP38 load for 9mm or .380 - Ruger Forum
Oct 24, 2014 · Original post from 2014. I am sure the OP has things sorted out by now. HP38/231 work well in 9mm and 380. It has been my main go to powder for 9mm with 115gr or 124gr Berrys plated bullets for range blasting. It burns clean and is accurate enough for range use. I loaded up 1000 380's using HP38 for a relative and they have run 100% in his Bersa
40 minor with 165s and N320, sport pistol, hp38.... - Brian Enos's …
May 2, 2023 · This took my 4.5-4.6grains of hp38/sport pistol/n320, and made it slightly sub major. I have access to the 3 of those powders currently and am quite familiar with them. I must admit though, Ive experienced a lot of position sensitivity in 38 spl with HP38, so Im not sure how kindly it would take to downloading in 40.
45 ACP loads using N320, HP-38 or Tightgroup - Brian Enos's …
Sep 12, 2015 · For the past 15 years or so I have been reloading using Clays for my 45 ACP Government model 1911s. Have been quite satisfied using 4.3 grains with Billy Bullets 200 grain coated SWC and Bear Creek 200 grain coated RNHB. For Bear Creek 230 grain RN pleased with 4.0 grains; OAL for all 1.250 inche...
147gr FMJ-RN HP-38 - Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!
Aug 3, 2013 · HP38 and 231 are the same powder so Lyman lists 3.5-4.1 for TMJ @ 1.115. Thanks for the intel Dirty Rod. I have Nosler and Lee reloading manuals and neither have anything on HP38 and 231 with 147gr 9 mm bullets.
WST/HP-38 Major - 10mm/40 Caliber - Brian Enos's Forums
Feb 7, 2014 · What is the max overall length your chamber and mags can take. Both those powders are perfectly fine for 40 major depending on the OAL. Wst will probably be a little too hot unless you can load long but you should be able to work up a load with the HP38 unless you have to load very short.