HPy - A better C API for Python | HPy
HPy provides a new API for extending Python in C. In other words, you use #include <hpy.h> instead of #include <Python.h>. What are the advantages of HPy? Zero overhead on CPython: extensions written in HPy run at the same speed as "normal" extensions. Much faster on alternative implementations such as PyPy, GraalPy.
你如何看待惠普的『薯条』 LOGO - 知乎
在惠普的品牌定位里,这个 logo 是一个高端产品的符号。 它和原品牌符号相比,彰显着突如其来的前卫气息。 正是由于其风格过于前卫的转变,这个早在 2011 年就完成的薯条LOGO,雪藏了五年,到 2016 年才拿出来,第一次在高端产品上使用。
記住這“四條線”,這的確是惠普的新LOGO | 品牌癮-法博思品牌顧問
2016年4月7日 · 昨天,惠普推出了自稱全球最薄的筆記型電腦“Spectre 13”,除了其值得稱讚的外觀設計和一流的配置之外,我們還發現惠普在這款筆記型電腦上啟用了全新的Logo。
HP 标志的历史和演变 - Affde Marketing
HP 是一个字母组合,用于指代公司最初的名称 Hewlett Packard。 自该组织于 1939 年首次出现以来,HP 会标一直是公司品牌标识的一部分。 然而,从那时起,该标志已针对现代进行了简化和更新。 Hewlett Packard 或 Hewlett-Packard(通常这么写)这个名字来自于该品牌创始人的名字。 1939 年,大卫·帕卡德 (David Packard) 和比尔·休利特 (Bill Hewlett) 在加利福尼亚州创建了一系列测量和电子测试设备。 1938 年,公司获得了第一份大合同,当时它被要求为华特迪士尼电影 …
HP® Logo | HP® Brand Central Official Site
Our logo stands on its own — as an identifier. The logo must be readable. Its letters prominent and clear. The space behind the logo must have good contrast and be free from busy-ness. Colors should be complementary. The HP logo shouldn’t be placed into container shapes, altered or embellished in any way.
HP Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand - Logos-world
2024年4月16日 · The logo consists of four lines at a 13-degree angle. Each line has a different length and represents a specific part of the corporation name. The emblem is sleek, elegant, innovative, but hard to read.
HP® Logo | HP® Brand Central Official Site
The logo acts as punctuation, closing out the copy and design. If you place it in the corner of the layout, customers will naturally spot our HP brand time and time again. Place the logo in the corner of the layout, so it follows the copy and signals the end of design. Your eye should draw an invisible vertical or horizontal line across the layout.
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Logo - HP
• The logo is the punctuation point of the layout. › Logo placement concludes the flow of information down or across a layout. › Logo placement also follows the alignment of text. • The logo belongs in the corner of a layout or the logo module—never floating in the middle of a margin or unanchored in white space.
Hpy Logo - Free Vectors & PSDs to Download
Find & Download Free Graphic Resources for Hpy Logo. 99,000+ Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD files. Free for commercial use High Quality Images
Hpy Initials Logo PSD - Freepik
Find & Download the most popular Hpy Initials Logo PSD on Freepik Free for commercial use High Quality Images Made for Creative Projects