Everything you need to Know about HRB500 Anti-Seismic Hot-Rolled Steel Bars
2024年4月18日 · HRB500 anti-seismic hot-rolled steel bars are engineered for excellence, designed to withstand the severe conditions brought on by earthquakes. These bars feature a unique set of properties—high strength, outstanding ductility, and enhanced toughness—that make them ideal for use in areas prone to seismic activities.
螺纹钢 - 百度百科
H、R、B分别为 热轧 (Hotrolled)、带肋(Ribbed)、钢筋(Bars)三个词的英文首位字母。 热轧带肋钢筋 按照新的国家标准分为:HRB400、HRB500、HRB600 三个牌号。 从宏观方面来看,2013年国内钢价大幅下跌,中国钢产品价格将会大幅下跌,因为一直存在产能过剩问题,而且主要原料铁矿价格也走低。 中国经济增长放慢正抑制该国对钢材与铁矿石的需求,从而拖累两种商品的价格跌至数月低点,并且令全球铁矿石生产商的扩张计划面临风险。 预期未来几个月的趋 …
HRB500 Deformed Steel Bar - High-Strength Hot-Rolled Steel for ...
This product is a high-strength HRB500 deformed steel bar, made of hot-rolled steel with a diameter of 6mm to 50mm and a length of 6m to 12m or as required. It has a higher yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation at failure than HRB400, which makes it suitable for reinforcing concrete structures and improving their performance.
HRB500 - 百度百科
HRB500 是国标GB1499.2-2018《钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋》里规定的一种热轧带肋Ⅳ级钢筋,旧称四级钢筋,屈服强度不小于500Mpa,直径一般为6~100mm。 国家强制标准GB1499.2-2018《钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋》从2018年11月1日起开始实施,新标准代替GB1499-2007《钢筋混凝土用热轧带肋钢筋》和GB13014-1991《钢筋混凝土用余热处理钢筋》,与原标准GB1499-2007相比,旧标准中的Ⅳ级钢筋在新标准下改称为HRB500级钢筋。 热轧带肋钢筋 的牌号 …
HRB500 Shock resistance Hot Rolled steel rebar for Building ...
The advantages of HRB500 -class reinforced steel have a lot of strength, lax, high temperature resistance, low temperature performance and shock resistance performance and fatigue performance.
HRB500/HRB500E Deformed Steel Rebar - Jiuzhou Metal
HRB500/HRB500E Deformed Steel Rebar Description 1. High strength: HRB500 steel bars have high tensile strength, which can effectively increase the bearing capacity of concrete structures; 2. Good plasticity: HRBS00 steel bars can fully stretch under stress, have a certain degree of plasticity, and can effectively absorb and disperse loads; 3.
HPB300/HRB335/HRB400/HRB500 Reinforcement - qdtststeel.com
Hot-rolled steel bars are divided into smooth round steel bars (HPB300) and ribbed steel bars. The common brands of hot rolled ribbed steel bars are HRB400, HRBF400, HRB400E, HRBF400E, HRB500, HRBF500, HRB500E and HRB600. HPB300 (Grade I) is a common steel bar with a diameter of 6-12mm.
HRB500 Construction steel bars | Chengshun Steel (GROUP) Ltd.
Rebar for reinforced concrete refers to straight or coil-shaped steel used for reinforced concrete reinforcement. Its shape is divided into two types: smooth round steel bar and deformed steel bar, and the delivery state is straight and coiled.
HRB500 deformed bar - yilisteel.com
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HRB500 Rebar - Jinan Tianzan Steel Co.,Ltd
Hot rolled ribbed steel bar is divided into two grades HRB335 (the old brand is 20MnSi), three grades HRB400 (the old brand is 20MnSiV, 20MnSinB, 20MnTi) and four grades HRB500.