HS-6 powder - Ruger Forum
2015年7月15日 · HS-6 is a great powder. I use it in 9mm, 44 magnum and "Ruger Only" 45 Colt loads. To me it burns as clean as any other powder. I've never really understood that "dirty powder" argument?
Hs-6 for 45 Colt - Ruger Forum
2020年3月14日 · I sure need it. General HS6 comment, experience 'here' is that hs6 likes a decent weight bullet and at least an appropriate 'tight' neck in my single action use. An appropriate crimp as well, especially in multi-ifired cases. Then previous powder posts/synopsis have been excellent here. Study Iowegan's notes! I like this powder!
HS-6 and the 357 - Ruger Forum
2011年2月25日 · Well I got home and thought I had HS-6 and it turned out to be HP-38. HP-38 is a pretty fast powder comparatively. Perhaps my AA #7 will give similar performance.
HS-6 powder question - Ruger Forum
2011年8月28日 · Second, if you chronograph light powder charge loads, you will find the extreme spreads (highest vs lowest velocity) will get much worse, which affects accuracy and position sensitivity. Last, because of a combination of the first two …
.38 special and HS-6 - Ruger Forum
2011年9月15日 · Today, I shot my two revolvers, (Ruger SP 101 and S&W 66 with a 4 inch barrel) using 6.6 grains HS-6 and there was unburned powder on the shooting table afterwards. For some reason I wasn't getting a complete ignition of the powder in my 38 special loads. I used CCI small piston primers and 125 grain Berry's FP bullets.
Preferred powder for .40 S&W - Ruger Forum
2014年12月14日 · Longshot is about the ideal powder for the 40 S&W due to it having extremely high velocity with low to normal pressure and low standard deviation.
HS6 & Win 540 Powder - Ruger Forum
2021年1月9日 · Are they the same powder? Can you use HS6 data for Win 540 powder?
Problem in 45 ACP handguns using Hodgon HS 6 powder
2014年7月27日 · I'm having a problem with HS-6 powder in my 45 ACP pistols, (Ruger P345 and Rock Island commander size 1911). Found some HS-6 at a local store (pistol powder of any type/brand is scarce in my area). Am loading 200 gr. Berrys plated truncated cone flat nose style bullets .452 in. diam. , and using a charge of 8.5 grs. HS-6, and a CCI 300 standard large pistol primer. After a few mags. of these ...
HS-6 for .44mag Snubby Loads - Ruger Forum
2017年3月15日 · I've used Accurate Arms #7 powder for some very warm, but less than max, .44 Mag loads with cannelured 240 gr plated bullets. They performed pretty well at up to 100 yds, and the AA#7 meters very well. I got some Hodgdon CFE Pistol last year to eventually try in .44 and .357 Mag for some medium-hot loads. For full-Magnum in both cartridges, I use W296 powder.
HS6 and Universal - Ruger Forum
2008年9月27日 · For standard velocity loads, HS6 and Universal won't generate enough chamber pressure at 850 fps to get a lead bullet to obturate so you must use a faster burning powder.