HSbF6 - Inorganic Chemistry - Science Forums
2009年4月4日 · The HSbF6 is fluoroantimonic acid, the strongest superacid known. It is powerful enough to protonate simple alkanes, so phenol and bromine should be pretty easy. [ce] Ph-OH + HSbF6 -> [Ph-OH2]^+[sbF6]^- [/ce] The phenylhydronium ion there would behave like a nitro group, explained in the reference I linked you above.
mr.mechanics - Science Forums
2009年4月4日 · Or sign in with one of these services. Sign in with Facebook. Sign in with Twitter
Gugan's Content - Science Forums
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Gugan - Science Forums
2011年8月2日 · Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in... Content titles and body; Content titles only
most corrosive liquid/gas come one come all to share your …
2005年7月23日 · my friends dad who works at a hazardous waste plant had tfound this liquid of that i dotn know tghe use for but would dissolve almost anything it was a concentrated sulfuric acid with superionized metal like H2SO4 andCr+8 lets play pick your corrosive!
Strongest acid known? - Page 2 - Science Forums
2005年10月7日 · Or sign in with one of these services. Sign in with Facebook. Sign in with X
nother chem question - formal charge - Chemistry - Science Forums
2005年6月13日 · i don't agree with any of these answers: (but i am sure that i am wrong of course ).... so little help please if anyone has time
Hydrofluoric acid - Chemistry - Science Forums
2011年3月5日 · I recently saw a question about the difference between strong and weak acids. The question stated that hydrochloric acid is known as a strong acid as it dissociates completely, whereas a weak acid would reach a dissociated equilibrium (or words to that effect). This is true for acids such as etha...