HTRF KinEASE TK Kit, 1,000 Assay Points - Revvity
The HTRF KinEASE kit series provides a simple biochemical approach to study kinase activity, screen for inhibitors and characterize them. Three STK and one TK kits offer a semi-universal method for assessing phosphorylation on Serine/Threonine and Tyrosine residues, respectively.
The HTRF KinEASE TK kit for the measurement of Tyrosine Kinase (TK) activities combines a universal peptide substrate and a single proprietary monoclonal antibody with Revvity’s HTRF (Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence) technology, a highly sensitive and robust technology for the detection of molecular interactions of proteins in vitro.
浅谈均相时间分辨荧光-HTRF技术 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
HTRF (均相时间分辨荧光)是用来检测均相体系中待测物的一种最常用的方法,是用来研究药物靶标的理想的平台。 这种技术结合了 荧光共振能量转移 (FRET) 和时间分辨技术 (TR)。 在TR-FRET实验中,当供体和受体相离很近时,在供体和受体之间会有荧光共振能量转移而产生信号。 采用双波长检测能够显著减小缓冲液和培养基的干扰,最终的信号跟产物形成的量成比例。 镧系元素与普通荧光相比,其半衰期更长,比普通的荧光物质半衰期长5或6个数量级,因而可用时间 …
Cisbio’s HTRF® KinEASETM assay for screening serine/threonine kinases now extends to tyrosine kinases (TK). The assay, developed in partnership with Millipore, uses a unique substrate...
HTRF® KinEASE™ TK: a new solution for tyrosine kinase screening
Cisbio's HTRF® KinEASE™ assay for screening serine/threonine kinases now extends to tyrosine kinases (TK). The assay, developed in partnership with Millipore, uses a unique substrate containing...
KinEASE-TK is a generic method for measuring Tyrosine kinase activities using one substrate and a universal detection system. More than 60 kinases have been tested with this kit (visit our website at: www.revvity.com). The HTRF ®
HTRF KinEASE-TK Detection Kit-Revvity - weichilab.com
HTRF KinEASE 试剂盒系列提供了一种简单的生化方法来研究激酶活性、筛选抑制剂并对其进行表征。 三种丝氨酸 / 苏氨酸激酶(STK)试剂盒和一种酪氨酸激酶(TK)试剂盒分别提供了一种半通用的方法来评估丝氨酸 / 苏氨酸和酪氨酸残基上的磷酸化。 HTRF KinEASE TK 检测已在 71 种酪氨酸激酶上进行了验证,使用单一通用底物。 本页面的检测验证部分列出了这些激酶,并提供了设置的技术提示。 每个 HTRF KinEASE 试剂盒基于相同的检测形式,并使用通用的生物素化底 …
TK类激酶检测实验的一般实验流程- 实验流程- 均相时间分辨荧光(HTRF…
均相时间分辨荧光(HTRF)技术专题 ,实验原理: 经过多年研发,Cisbio合成了能与TK类激酶反应的单磷酸化位点底物,其另一端则接上了biotin。 在biotin端,biotin能与streptavidin- XL665(acceptor)相连,完成标记。
HTRF KINEASE TK KIT - 1K PTS_Revvity_优宁维(univ)商城
The HTRF KinEASE kit series provides a simple biochemical approach to study kinase activity, screen for inhibitors and characterize them. Three STK and one TK kits offer a semi-universal method for assessing phosphorylation on Serine/Threonine and Tyrosine residues, respectively.
2025年3月1日 · HTRF KinEASE Detect. Buf. - 200 mL. The information provided in this document is valid for the specified lot number and date of analysis. This information is for reference purposes only and does not constitute a warranty or guarantee of …