GitHub - knid/httpy: Modern, user-friendly, programmable …
HTTPy is a command line HTTP client. Its purpose is to make duplicate web requests on a single line. httpy is designed for testing, debugging, and generally interacting with APIs and HTTP …
httpy | Modern, user-friendly, programmable command-line HTTP …
HTTPy is a command line HTTP client. Its purpose is to make duplicate web requests on a single line. httpy is designed for testing, debugging, and generally interacting with APIs and HTTP …
HTTPie – API testing client that flows with you
HTTPie is making APIs simple and intuitive for those building the tools of our time. Check out what’s new in HTTPie for Web & Desktop 2025.1.0. All the user-friendliness of our Terminal …
httpy — httpy 2.1.0 documentation
httpy A Python lightweight socket-based library to create HTTP(s) and WebSocket connections. Features Cookies support. Caching support. Easy debugging. HTTP Basic and Digest …
HTTPy - GitHub
HTTPy is a lightweight web server, written in python. It is rather basic, and is not capable of parsing any server-side scripts. It simply serves any page that the client asks for, or returns a …
游戏首次实现了“中国特色武功”与开放世界品类的融合,玩家将在充满迷题的无缝地图中,众揽天下风光,探秘海量地宫,同时偷师百家武学,身兼十八般武器,学遍太极、点穴、狮吼功、蛤蟆功等全新 …
httpy · PyPI
import httpy resp = httpy. request ("https://www.example.com/this_url_doesnt_exist") print (resp. status) # 404 print (resp. status. reason) # NOT FOUND print (resp. status. description) # …
Python Httpy.Httpy类代码示例 - 纯净天空
本文整理汇总了Python中Httpy.Httpy类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Httpy类的具体用法?Python Httpy怎么用?Python Httpy使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代 …
jenca-adam/httpy: Python HTTP and WebSocket client - GitHub
HTTPy sets Connection: close by default in non-Session requests. If you want to keep the connection alive outside a session, you must specify so in the headers argument. You can …
Download HTTPie for Desktop – HTTPie
4 天之前 · Work locally and without distraction with our dedicated Desktop App. OMG httpie is love at first use. It'll be hard for me to give up curl (as I've been using it forever) but will happily …