J&T Cargo U8 Hub | 1-800-18-0018 | Shah Alam - BizMalay
The phone number for J&T Cargo U8 Hub is 1-800-18-0018. Where is J&T Cargo U8 Hub located? J&T Cargo U8 Hub is located at Industrial Park, 1, Jalan Tiang U8/92, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Is there a primary contact for J&T Cargo U8 Hub? You can contact J&T Cargo U8 Hub by phone using number 1-800-18-0018.
Hub U8 J&T Cargo : lokasi, Waktu Operasi Dan perkhidmatan …
2025年3月8日 · Hub U8 J&T Cargo terletak di Industrial Park, 1, Jalan Tiang U8/92, Bukit Jelutong, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Lokasi ini mudah diakses dan memainkan peranan penting dalam rangkaian logistik J&T Cargo, menghubungkan perkhidmatan penghantaran ke pelbagai destinasi di seluruh Malaysia.
Last mile delivery Friday morning at Hub U8 More than 100 parcel …
my order reached hub u8 on 7/3 but till now no any arrangement to deliver it. SO CAN I GO THERE TO COLLECT MYSELF??
Our Hub at U8 Bukit Jelutong | By MARHFacebook
2022年6月22日 · Our Hub at U8 Bukit Jelutong. Like. Comment
J&T Cargo Buat Hal Apa Hari Ini | Ada siapa tahu location hub u8 …
2024年1月24日 · Ada siapa tahu location hub u8 di mana? Kalau kata kita nak self collect boleh ke?
J&T CARGO Malaysia - Delivery Rate
Information query. Track packages and outlets. CARGO Tracking. Outlets Query
Understanding Parcel Statuses - J&T Express
A parcel status is used to identify its exact location and condition. The order has been created by the sender and awaiting the assignment to a pickup driver to conduct pickup. The pickup driver has been assigned for the parcel. The parcel is scheduled for pickup by the assigned driver.
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