Hwasong-6 - Wikipedia
The Hwasong-6 (Korean: 《화성-6》형; Hancha: 火星 6型; lit. Mars Type 6) is a North Korean tactical ballistic missile. It is derived from the Hwasong-5, itself a derivative of the Soviet R-17 Elbrus. It carries the NATO reporting name Scud.
Hwasong-6 (Scud-C) | Missile Threat
2024年4月23日 · The Hwasong-6 is the North Korean-produced variant of the Russian ‘ Scud C ’ and is a short-range ballistic missile. It has been in service with the DRPK rocket force since …
Hwasong-6 (Scud-C Variant) - Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
The Hwasong-6, the North Korean variant of the Russian “Scud-C”, is a road-mobile, liquid fueled, short-range ballistic missile. [1] The Hwasong-6 achieved a substantial range increase over the “Scud-B” variant Hwasong-5 by decreasing the weight of warhead to 770kg and extending the length of the rocket body. [2]
火星6型弹道导弹 - 百度百科
火星6型弹道导弹 (Hwasong-6)是北朝鲜一型弹道导弹,改装自飞毛腿D型的仿造,该种弹道导弹的精度十分有限,但是如果搭载核弹头还是有巨大威慑力。
Hwasong-6 – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Hwasong-6 (화성 6), tức Hỏa tinh-6 (火星 6), là loại tên lửa đạn đạo chiến thuật tầm ngắn dưới 1000 km (SRBM) do Cộng hòa Dân chủ Nhân dân Triều Tiên sản xuất dựa trên phiên bản tên lửa Scud-C của Liên Xô.
Hwasong-6 - Army Recognition
2024年7月29日 · The Hwasong-6 is a tactical ballistic missile manufactured by the defense industry of North Korea. The first of three successful test firings of the Hwasong-6 was reported to have been completed in June 1990.
“飞毛腿”C型弹道导弹 - 百度百科
Hwasong 6型是 朝鲜 仿制的俄制“飞毛腿”C和“飞毛腿”D型弹道导弹,它采用公路机动发射,也是一种采用 液体燃料 推进剂的弹道导弹。 此种类型的导弹是朝鲜在“飞毛腿”B型弹道导弹的基础上改进而来的。 Hwasong 6型弹道导弹可将韩国境内所有目标纳入其射程。 Hwasong 6型弹道导弹的精度十分有限,它的作用更像是远程炮击武器,因为它的设计十分简单。 “飞毛腿”C的射程为500公里,采用单级液态燃料 火箭发动机。 弹长为10.94米、直径为0.88米、发射重量为6095千克。 …
Hwasong-6 - 华文百科
Hwasong-6 (韩文: 화성6 ; Hanja :火星6 )是朝鲜战术弹道导弹。 它源自Hwasong-5 ,本身就是苏联R-17 Elbrus的衍生物。 它带有北约报告名称Scud 。
Hwasong 6 / Scud-C - North Korea
A program to modify the Scud-B (300 km/1,000 kg) is reported to have begun in 1988. The modified missile, referred to as the Scud-PIP (product improvement program), or Scud-C (500 km/700-800 kg), which achieved a longer range than its predecessors by reducing the payload and extending the length of the rocket body to increase the propellant by 25%.
Hwasong 6 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
North Korean mobile liquid propellant single stage tactical ballistic missile. Derived from Russian R-17, often referred to as 'Scud-C'. The Hwasong had a 500 km range, achieved by halving the payload. AKA: Scud C;Shahab 2. Status: Active. First Launch: 1990-06-01. Last Launch: 2017-05-28. Number: 32 . Payload: 500 kg (1,100 lb).