HWK21 - Hitman Wiki | Fandom
The real-world Walther PPQ only holds 15 rounds in a standard magazine - the HWK 21 Covert has an extended magazine shown on the model, but also holds 20-rounds. The 20-round capacity found across all variants of the HWK 21 may be a design mistake based on the extended magazine capacity of the HWK 21 Covert.
HWK21 - 杀手中文维基 | Hitman 攻略资料站 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻 …
描述. 这种突击手枪可以精准地击中敌人的头部,从而快速消灭多个敌人,它非常适合在冲突升级之前肃清房间里的所有敌人。
HWK21 Covert | Hitman Wiki - Fandom
2022年5月24日 · The HWK21 Covert is a pistol featured in the World of Assassination Trilogy. HWK21 - The base model. HWK21 Mk II - The Mk II variant. HWK21 Pale - A tactical white and black variant. HWK21 Pale Homemade Silencer - The Pale version outfitted with a home-made suppressor. HWK21 Covert - A camo-print version with the Suppressor perk and an extended magazine. Assassin's HWK21 Covert - A Freelancer ...
HWK21隐蔽者 - 杀手中文维基 | Hitman 攻略资料站 - 灰机wiki - 北 …
消音器 静音,缩短射程。 获取. 巴黎 - 达到精通等级20时解锁。 (杀手中为普通难度下20级。 变体. hwk21; hwk21 mk ii型; hwk21白色; hwk21白色自制消音器; 刺客的hwk21隐蔽者; 混凝土兔子手枪
刺客的HWK21隐蔽者 - 杀手中文维基 | Hitman 攻略资料站 - 灰 …
消音器 静音,缩短射程。 获取. 自由职业者 - 在辛迪加首领决战关卡制伏或消灭刺客取得。; 变体. hwk21; hwk21隐蔽者; 轶事. 这把枪虽然稀有度只有 ,但因易得而广受好评。
Assassin's HWK21 Covert | Hitman Wiki - Fandom
The Assassin's HWK21 Covert is a pistol exclusively featured in the Freelancer mode of HITMAN III. HWK21 - The base model. HWK21 Mk II - The Mk II variant. HWK21 Pale - A tactical white and black variant. HWK21 Pale Homemade Silencer - The Pale version outfitted with a home-made suppressor. HWK21 Covert - A camo-print version with the Suppressor perk and an extended magazine. Assassin's HWK21 ...
A Chad’s Guide to the HWK 21 : r/HiTMAN - Reddit
2018年11月24日 · The HWK 21 is a weapon only used by the most skilled of assassins due to its quality features: Firing the HWK releases a loud burst of sound often referred to as a “gunshot”. Pussies who use silenced weapons (looking at you there jacking off with your precious Silverballer) might not be familiar with this term, so allow me to explain it.
《杀手3》各地区精通道具一览-游民星空 GamerSky.com
2021年1月20日 · 《杀手3》在各个地区的精通等级达到一定程度后将会在开局时获得更多的便利,那么本作各个地区有哪些道具可供挑选呢?请看玩家“Dove__K”分享的《杀手3》各地区精通道具一览,希望能为各位玩家带来一些帮助。
Equipment unlock list : r/HiTMAN - Reddit
2018年11月8日 · HWK 21 Covert – (Pistol) (Large Capacity, Suppressed) – Unlocked at Level 20 ICA Remote Explosive – (Explosive) – Unlocks at Level 20 Challenge Unlocks
Which pistol? : r/HiTMAN - Reddit
2019年8月21日 · The only pistols that are really viable, at least for SA are the Silverballer (better range/accuracy) and the Krugermeier (quieter). The HWK 21 Covert has more ammo, but I think the trade off is less accuracy and damage.