hxgf (0.1.0) - Haxe
Haxe Game Framework or HXGF is a bare bones library for quickly creating web games. To install, run: See using Haxelib in Haxelib documentation for more information. New features: - Audio support (though requires user interaction before working.) - …
All versions of hxgf - lib.haxe.org
Haxe Game Framework or HXGF is a bare bones library for quickly creating web games.
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华西股份 (000936)股吧_华西股份怎么样_分析讨论社区—东方财富网
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Hxgf Series Torque Arm Shaft Mount Reducer
Main product: With gear reducer and gearbox products as leading, extend to Electrolytic aluminum equipments, Mixing equipments, Precision transmission equipments, Environmental protection equipments and so on large machinery equipments.
Metric Shaft Mounted Speed Reducer HXGF Series ... - Bevel Gear …
Metric Shaft Mounted Speed Reducer HXGF Series , Helical Gear Reducion Box . Quick Details: Hengfengtai Metric Shaft Mounted Speed Reducer HXGF series are metric in design throughout and have . power ratings to AGMA standard. Rated Power:0.29-134.2 KW . Output Torque:180Nm-17000 N.m . Model number:HXGF30 - HXGF100 . Output shaft diameter:30 …
Smsr Series Hxgf Shaft Mounted Convery Gear Box
Hengfengtai Shaft Mount Reducers HXGF series are manufactured in eight gear case sizes, from 30 to 100, nominal gear ratios are 5: 1, 13: 1 and 20:1. A very wide choice of final driven speeds can be determined by the use of an appropriate input Wedge Belt Drive.